Chapter 16

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  A severe, painful pounding on the head was the first thing Juliette felt even before she opened her eyes. She was laying on a soft, comfortable mattress with a warm blanket covering her motionless body.

She scrunched her closed eyes at the throbbing of her head and slowly opened them, only to groan in displeasure as the bright sunshine sneaking in from the infirmary's window attacked her eyes.

"Easy, Juliette." A familiar voice sounded from her side as she tried to cover her eyes with her hand. She felt utterly uncomfortable with the pain that was quickly pulling her from her soundless sleep and throwing her into the harsh reality.

She tried to look at the person that was now calling for Madame Pomfrey. She saw Cedric's recognizable face in her blurry vision.

"What's going on?" She tried to ask, her voice sounding weak and confused, if not in pain.

"Nothing, you're fine." Cedric tried to assure her, pulling her hand from above her eyes. She tried to move away but her headache wouldn't let her, protesting as loud as it could.

"No, I'm not—" Juliette tried to protest, closing her eyes in pain. "My head is killing me."

Cedric wanted to laugh at her words but he couldn't find the ability in himself since the worry and concern in the pit of his stomach was eating him alive since last night. "I know. Madame Pomfrey will know what to do."

Just as he finished his words; the concerned nurse quickly appeared by her side, ready to attend to Juliette.

"Oh, you're finally awake." She said, sounding relieved.

Finally? What does she mean finally?

"How are you feeling, dear?" Juliette could feel Madame Pomfrey's warm hands on her forehead, touching her pale skin with caution. She flinched as an unexpected burn reacted to the unfamiliar touch.

"She said and I quote, my head is killing me." Cedric said, causing Juliette to smile faintly.

"That's an understatement." She murmured, determined to keep her eyes closed and safe from the disturbing sunlight.

"It probably is, considering the bump on your forehead." Said the nurse with an obvious smile.

Juliette frowned and it took her a second to regret her action since the previously mentioned bump harshly protested.

"A what?" She asked with slight panic. She silently hoped it wasn't something serious.

"You must've hit your head when you fell down from the stairs. Don't worry, it looks better than it was last night." Madame Pomfrey's hand retracted from Juliette's forehead. "All you need is more Star Grass Salve and some rest."

Juliette felt relieved as the name of the balm filled her ears. She was familiar with it, learning how to prepare one was an easy task for her and she loved how Madame Pomfrey always kept it in a little silver star shaped box.

"Last night? What time is it? How long have I been unconscious?" She asked as the matron applied the salve on her wound. Juliette tried not to react to the slight pain.

"You slept through the night. It's almost 8 in the morning." Cedric answered, sitting back down on the chair he's claimed.

Juliette opened her eyes once again, accustomed to the bright light by now, and turned towards Cedric after Madame Pomfrey was done with the salve. The nurse left the two alone, saying she will be back with a concoction for Juliette to drink.

Juliette carefully watched Cedric as his eyes drifted to her forehead.

"Is it that bad?" She asked, feeling down because of the whole situation. She was just glad that her friend was by her side even though she acted cold towards him last night.

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