for miku's 14th - it's horrible, i love it

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|| woke up this morning and decided hey let's ignore my science homework and give my wife a birthday present || 

brought to you by my fan it's loud.


TW: swearing

Despite everything, Miku hated today. Despite every single person thinking that this must be one of her favorite days of the year, it wasn't. It was just like a normal day to her, but so much worse.

Nobody left her alone. She just wanted to stay at home, but she had to go to work, she had all kinds of publicity things today- after all, who wouldn't want to have a conversation with one of the world's top idols on her birthday? But Miku didn't want any of that.

If she could have one thing for her birthday, she wanted the day off. She wanted a break from the stress of keeping up her public personality along with her private life. She wanted to lie in bed with Flower until one of them absolutely had to get up, to watch the day go by from the roof of the apartment building, to catch up on the latest season of her favorite show. 

It was only noon and she already felt so tired. She couldn't even count the number of 'happy birthday' greetings she'd already gotten that day, or the stupid tiny packages people she didn't even know had somehow given her. Not having the energy to eat lunch, she curled up in a corner of her producer's office and decided to try and text Flower.

'hey. you busy?' Hitting send, setting her phone on the floor, she rested her head on her knees. Days like this were when she almost wished she hadn't decided this for her career. She really did love to sing. She remembered the earlier days, recording in her basement and uploading badly made music videos to YouTube, fantasizing about the day she'd get to perform for tons of people. Everything had been so exciting. ...And of course, it still was- but she wished she had more free time. More time to just be herself, especially now. She'd been working so much lately, trying to get her new album out on time, and she felt so bad..

Especially for Flower. Flower, who wasn't as popular as her, who worked an extra job to keep money coming in in case one of them were to lose their status as an idol. Flower, who was always waiting up when Miku got home with a smile on their face and something for her to eat. Miku didn't have enough  time to return all the affection they gave her, to tell them how much they meant to her, because she was always so tired when she got home. 

Thinking about Flower brought her back to the present. They didn't know how much she hated all the excitement about her birthday. They'd probably try to do something really big for her..try to cook one of her favorite foods, make her a cake, something like that. They'd probably get her a present they thought she'd really like. They did too much for her, she thought- and today she really didn't want it. The last thing she wanted was to be put on a pedestal by Flower on top of everything made her feel sick.

Her phone buzzed with a text from her producer. Time to get back to work, or she'd be late to her next interview. Sighing, she wiped her eyes and got to her feet, putting on a smile as bright as always.


After what seemed like forever, the day did end. -Well, the work day at least. She still had to go home, she still had to deal with Flower...Why did she hate the idea of going home to them? She loved Flower. She didn't doubt that at all, she loved them, she would love to see them. But today...She was so tired of it all. 

Still, she had to go home. Spending the night on some park bench wouldn't be good for her or her reputation. The entire drive home, she felt her mood getting worse, a mixture of exhaustion, fear and anger brewing in her. Exhaustion from work as always, anger at the exaggerated hype just for her birthday..and fear. Fear that she'd take it out on Flower, when they weren't doing anything wrong.

She parked her car in the lot and slammed the door, going inside and up the stairs, sticking her key in the door so harshly she thought she might've broken it. Frustration rising to the surface, above everything else, she wanted to hurt something-

The door opened before she had a chance to turn her key. Flower stood inside, the same big smile on their face Miku had been expecting. "Miku! Happy-"

"Don't," she snapped, pushing past them and kicking off her shoes. "Don't even. Shut up. I don't want to hear it." She meant to sound angry, but her voice was shaking, her hands were shaking, she-

She hung her head and sobbed, clenching her hands around the hem of her shirt. Just one day. She just wanted one day where she didn't have to stress over everything. Especially not her goddamn birthday- she's supposed to be able to enjoy it, and she couldn't even appreciate her girlfriend because everyone else had ruined the day first.


Flower's arms wrapped around her, their gentle touch as they pulled her close.. "What happened?" Their voice was so calm despite everything. She wanted to hit them for it. She wanted them to be upset too, to understand how she felt, she just...

"Don't fucking tell me happy birthday. I've been hearing that all day. I don't fucking want your cake or your fancy dinner or anything- please." She sobbed again, reaching up to hold onto their wrists. "Please...I'm so tired." 

To her surprise, they didn't protest. "Okay," they murmured, kissing her hair gently. "I won't...but, can I give you just one thing?"

Miku wanted to say no. She didn't want anything else. But Flower.. Flower was her girlfriend. They deserved to give her something, didn't they..? She should at least. She should just look at it. No matter how upset she was.. she nodded her head, letting go of them, and they let her out of the embrace. She watched them disappear into the bedroom and come out with a box...wrapped. Of course it was wrapped. Plain brown paper, but still wrapped.

Flower handed it to her and she took it. She slowly opened the box, pulling apart the paper, she didn't want to look at it.. she opened the box.

Inside lay a stuffed animal. A ragged-looking bunny, clearly made by someone who didn't know how to sew well. Mismatched button eyes, a sloppy mouth, lopsided ears. It had a tie that matched Miku's, it had a little purple heart stitched onto one of the paws. It looked- It looked absolutely horrible.

She felt herself tear up again, tracing a finger over its soft face. Looking back up at Flower, whose face had flushed red. "I know it's bad," they said quietly. "But...I wanted to give you something you could take to work with you. That way it seems like I'm still with you all day."

"It's horrible," Miku sniffled, wiping her eyes. "...I love it." She set the box down, getting to her feet, and wrapped her arms tightly around Flower. They returned the hug almost immediately, giving her another one of those gentle kisses to the top of her head that she loved so much. 

"I'm sorry for being so upset," she mumbled into their shoulder. "..You deserve better..and I'm never here, I'm always at work, and I.."

"Shh," came their reply, kissing her head yet again. "You're a busy woman, Miku. I understand. I'm happy even if the only thing I get to do is fall asleep next to you." 


This earned a small chuckle from Flower. "Go change out of your work clothes, okay?" They let her out of the hug, giving her a gentle, playful shove. "I'll heat up those frozen chicken nuggets for dinner." 

She gave them a smile. The first real smile she'd shown all day. Turning and walking off into the bedroom, she didn't notice Flower hiding a tiny black box in the freezer.

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