lullaby (Flower & Miku)

52 1 2

CW: slight gore, blood, bad endings

it's dark in the apartment aside from the candle. miku is trembling. fighting the tears that keep spilling down her face. trying to hide her pain, because theirs is a thousand times worse.
and flower is in her arms, shaking like a leaf. their blood has already stained through her shirt. they don't cry. they're trying to make words, but it's so hard just to breathe.

"shh," miku whispers, trying to steady her voice. she holds them closer and feels them shivering even more, and she tugs the blanket off the couch and wraps them in it. she can wash the blood out later. but. she probably won't ever use that blanket again.

"don't cry," flower whispers, which in turn makes miku sob bitterly.
"how can you say something like that?!" she wails. "how can i not cry right now, when you're- you're-" she sobs again, and it's making flower's eyes water. "you'd cry if i was in your position, i know you would."

flower doesn't respond. she's right. they would. they open their mouth again, and she shushes them gently.
"don't talk- flower, please don't talk. don't hurt yourself."

"what do you want me to do then?" their voice is hoarse from screaming. it hurts to do anything but whisper.

"i don't.. i don't know."

a horrid shudder goes through flower and miku whimpers, holding them tighter. she doesn't know how they aren't crying. they're losing so much blood. there's a gaping hole in their chest and a gash in the back of their head and their skin is so pale it's white. anyone can tell they won't last long.

"sing me a song, miku," they whisper, closing their eyes and trying to relax.
she cries harder into them, and they reach up with a shaking hand to try and hug her.
"please," they whisper. "sing me a lullaby."

miku doesn't know any lullabies off the top of her head. she cradles flower in her lap, wrapping the blanket tighter around them, and tries her best to steady her voice so she can sing. and she does.
her voice is soft and gentle. flower's body relaxes a little even though they can't stop shaking. they close their eyes and hold onto her and try so hard to will the pain away, but they can't take it.

and miku sings to them, every gentle song she can think of. until they cry. and she cries with them, holding them for what feels like hours as their heartbeat slows, their breathing gets shallower and more panicked.
until she can't feel them breathe at all.

she whispers their name, then yells it, then shakes them. because they aren't shivering anymore either. they've gone still. even as their eyes are still open and looking at her.

miku screams so loud she thinks the neighbors will call the cops. she feels like she can't breathe. she's sobbing and screaming and can't tell the difference between the two. her shirt and the blanket are soaked in blood. her hand is covered in it where she slipped her fingers through their hair.

flower is gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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