One-Word Prompts part 2 (multiship)

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[1]: "Window" [No ship, Fukase] TW: confinement

I've been told that there's an entire world outside this room.

I honestly couldn't care less. I don't care about these pathetic humans, leading their pathetic little lives. 

I've been stuck in this room my entire life, staring at the empty walls. There's nothing in here but a chair and a small bed with only one sheet. Once in a while, someone comes...I don't know what they come for. I'm going to disappear soon anyway, so why does it matter?

I slide off the chair and go up to the front wall. The texture of it seems weird, and it's cold... I drag my fingers down the length of it. A small bit of light comes through, something I rarely see...

As I continue to clear off the wall, I discover that it's not a wall. It's...a window. After creating a hole in whatever's covering the window, I can see outside...and for some reason, it's lovely. The sun is shining on whatever's below, and it gives a bit of a positive light to humans. However, I still despise them.

[2]: "Cooking" [No ship, Crypton family]

"Luka, are you watching the timer?!"

"Meiko, chill! I'm checking on the turkey every two minutes!" Luka said hurriedly.

"Mei, I think I accidentally used red grapes instead of cranberries?" Kaito mumbled nervously.

"WHAT?!" Meiko snapped in reply.

"Oh, never mind, I used cranberries." The bluenette awkwardly smiled and continued working.

The oven timer went off, and Luka yanked the turkey out and set it on the counter to cool. She then put her stuffing in the oven, making sure to adjust the temperature.

"Meiko, I finished the sweet potatoes. Do they look good enough?" Miku asked. The brunette went over to inspect it and nodded. 

"Perfect. Now we just need the gravy, vegetables, stuffing and pie." She quickly returned to her own task, stirring the gravy as she waited for the vegetables to be done microwaving.

Soon enough, everything was done, and the dishes were set out on the dining room table. Luka put down placemats, and Kaito filled everyone's cup with water. The six of them plopped into their seats and threw cranberries at each other before enjoying their Thanksgiving dinner.

[3]: "Quiz" [prank ship Gumi x IA]

April first was a pretty and warm spring day, with beautiful weather and plenty of sunshine. Gumi had taken advantage of the weather and dragged her friend IA to the park, to make her April Fool's prank more enjoyable.

The two of them sat at a picnic table, casually eating out of a can of chocolate-covered potato chips, when Gumi made her move.

"Hey IA, can you take a quiz for me?" she asked, grinning as she put down her chip.

"Uh...sure I guess? What kind of quiz?" IA looked intrigued, she was fairly interested in quizzes.

"A personality quiz, I guess. First question- black or white?" She grinned, waiting for the reply.

"," replied IA.

"Circle or square?"


"Look at your fingernails," Gumi said. IA straightened her hand out and looked at her nails, looking a bit confused.

"Okay, now look at the sky," laughed Gumi. In reply, her friend tilted her head up to look above at the clouds. In response, the green-haired girl began laughing harder, which resulted in a look of suspicion on IA's face.

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