Here For You (Luka x Reader)

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[Luka Megurine x Reader] TW: crying, depression, anxiety, past trauma mentions, bugs, death mention

[Y/N=Your name]

You can only hear the music in your headphones. You can't hear the soft sniffles coming from your mouth. You can feel the tears falling down your cheeks, new ones falling overtop of the old, dry tear tracks. How long have you been sitting here, your hands frozen on the keyboard? How long have you been crying? And why? Why do you feel like this?

That answer could be found easily if you were willing to think. But it's been going on for too long now, and you don't want to think. You just want to disappear. There's so many reasons that you're scared, and so many things you want to avoid. You just want someone to hold you, to cuddle you, to softly tell you that it's okay, that it's all going to be okay. But the one person that you'd trust to do that doesn't know, and you don't want to bother her with your pain, your problems. They're all petty to you, unimportant, not worth worrying about. You just have to keep them out of your mind by writing short poems, about old memories, fears, or love that probably will never come true.

You think about her a lot. Luka Megurine, your best friend and your crush.  You know that she's bisexual. You're the only person that she came out to. She trusts you, and you trust her, but you don't want to bother her with your problems. You don't want to bother her with the old knife marks on your wrists, or the fear in your heart. Even though it could ruin everything, you don't want to bother her. She has her own problems. And you're perfectly fine with listening to her and cheering her up. You love being the reason she's smiling.

Your fears are listed on the computer screen, on the Google Doc that you'll never let anyone see. You're scared of your parents, because of certain moments from when you were younger. You're scared of the creepy guy online. You're scared of those kids in your class, and the other ones who say "ew" whenever they see you in the hallways. You're scared that Luka will meet someone new and forget you. You're scared of being judged...

Too many fears, aren't they? And then there's the more normal ones, like stinkbugs, centipedes, your turtle dying, et cetera. It doesn't matter.

You shut the computer and plug your headphones into your phone instead, curling up on your bed and listening to music. You take a look at yourself in the camera app. Your eyes look tired, and like you haven't been sleeping. Maybe you just stay up too late on YouTube.

You decide to text Luka and ask her how she's doing. She doesn't respond. You fall asleep.


"Y/N, can I talk to you?"

It's Luka. She's standing behind you at your locker, her hand resting on your shoulder. Her pretty blue eyes are softer than ever, and her hair looks like it's made of silk. You can't help but wonder what conditioner she uses to get it to look like that.

"Yeah, what's up?" you reply, a bit anxious. She sounds serious. Did you do something wrong?

"I'll tell you after school. Meet me at my locker once you have your stuff and we can walk to the cafe. I'll buy you a cappucino." She gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze and walks away. You're even more anxious now.


You're sitting across from Luka in the coffee shop, tapping the lid of your cappucino cup. She's carefully taking sips of a mocha, then she looks at you.

"I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer honestly. As honestly as possible. And I'll be able to tell if you're lying." Her blue eyes meet yours as she speaks, her voice soft with a hint of concern.

"Are you okay?" she asks, taking your hands in hers. You're silent for a moment, and the longer you wait to speak, the more concerned she looks. You don't answer. She sighs softly and gets out of her chair, gently pulling you to your feet. "C'mon, we can go somewhere more private to talk." She takes you to her house, and into her room. She leaves the door open.

"I'll ask you again. Y/N, are you okay? You don't seem like yourself. I'm worried." She sits down on her bed, and you sit down across from her. Against the headboard. Her blue eyes feel like hands reaching out to you as she looks at you, taking your heart out and reading it.

"...No," you say softly, barely a whisper. You look away from her, your eyes watering. "I-I'm not okay..."

Her hand is placed on your shoulder, and she pulls you closer to her. Her arms wrap around you in a hug, and she holds you close. "What's wrong? You can tell me about anything, you know...I'm here for you."

Her soft voice, paired with those sweet words that your heart never really heard, finally reaches you. Tears fill your eyes and spill over as you hug her tightly, a sob bursting from your throat. You're trying to tell her why you're scared, but to you it all sounds like garbled whispers. Luka's silent. She waits until you can't speak anymore.

"Y/N, you can't keep all that inside of you...You're going to hurt yourself with that..." she murmurs, her fingers toying with your hair. You can't stop crying. She adjusts herself so she's lying on her side with you cradled in her arms, and she's holding you tightly. "You're too important to me to let yourself be hurt like that. I...I love you."

"I-I'm sorry," you cry, the tears refusing to stop. She uses her sleeve to gently wipe your eyes, gently rubbing your back.

"Breathe, Y/N. It's okay. Just breathe with me for now." She's taking deep breaths, and you do your best to follow her example.

"Don't worry for now. Just get some rest. Close your eyes, fall asleep, just stay here with me, okay?" Her arms are wrapped around you again, your head resting against her shoulder. You can't help but think of how much you love her, and you almost start crying again. Tears slowly drip down your cheeks, and Luka catches all of them.

"It's okay." Her fingers gently tousle your hair, and she's holding you as close as possible. Her hand moves away from your hair and pulls the blankets of the bed up around you two. She continues to play with your hair, and you begin to close your eyes.

"I love you, Y/N. More than you know." Her kind words are the last thing you hear before you fall asleep, warm in her embrace.


When you wake up, she's still there, her own eyes closed. You don't move, you just curl up in her arms and hug her tightly. "I love you, Luka," you whisper. 

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