20 years after the Distorted Windows Trilogy

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**** This chapter is the same as the end of Double Reflection! Feel free to skip to the next chapter if you have already read it! You won't miss anything! But don't forget to click that little star at the bottom! ****

Recommended reading order

The Devil's Looking Glass
Angel's Silhouette
Double Reflection
The Rise of Raven
Lusting After Lucifer
His Shy Sphinx
Ace's Secret Addiction
The Desires of Diablo


"I still don't get it." Lucian grumbled as he reclined his passenger seat, throwing his arm up dramatically over his eyes.

"Because I love you, Lucie." I replied in my high-pitched sing song voice that I knew he absolutely despised.

Lifting his arm for a brief moment, he glared in my direction before once more allowing his arm to fall over his face. "Don't you dare call me Lucie in front of other people there. The last thing I need is that fucking nickname taunting me and following me around."

"Relax, Lucie." I made sure to emphasize his childhood nickname which earned me another glare. "This is a fresh start. A new beginning. It's exactly what we need."

"It's what I need." He growled as he straightened his seat back up for the fourth time in the past hour. "I don't need you to come with me."

"Someone has to babysit you." The matter-of-fact response came out harsher than I intended, and I winced as I prepared for his onslaught.

"I don't need a babysitter!" Physically turning in his seat, he scowled in my direction as I stared straight ahead at the road in front of us. I could feel his heated gaze boring into the side of my head and the anger emanating off him, flowing freely in my direction. "I'm 21 Lil. I stopped needing a babysitter a long time ago."

That wasn't true.

Not in the slightest.

His most recent fuck up had been a chart topper. One very popular sex video, an arrest and a crashed bike, all wrapped into one.

Shrugging nonchalantly, I smiled, trying to change the tone of the conversation. "What can I say, maybe I just need to have my big brother in my life. The thought of you moving away was too much. You can't leave me behind."

That earned me a smile. He loved being called big brother even though he was only a few minutes older. He liked to joke that it was the only thing he was able to accomplish first.

What he didn't realize was that I needed to get away just as badly as he had needed to. I had been fighting with my own demons for far too long. It was time to find myself once again. I missed the girl that I had lost so many years ago.

My hand instinctively shot up, rubbing over the back of my neck, the jagged scar brushed against my fingertips.

"When are mom and dad arriving?" I could hear the tinge of fear in his voice. He had managed to dodge our father's phone calls for the past week but knew that the face to face couldn't be avoided.

"Tomorrow morning. Uncle Nolan is already at the house with the keys. He was able to get everything set up, furnished and stocked before our arrival." Lucian nodded in response, his eyes drifting out the passenger side window.

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