The Raven (1)

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**** Am I the only one completely stoked right now!?!?! I'm so excited to be presenting this novel to y'all!! ****


The moment my eyes landed on her; my feet were moving on their own accord. Who the fuck was she and why was she with Blabby Abby?

Colten and Derek followed behind me, whispering, asking what the hell I was doing but I completely ignored them. My attention was focused on the raven-haired beauty in front of me.


Abby did not look happy, and she was whispering something to her friend. That wasn't a good thing.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't little miss Abby." I focused my attention on Abby, keeping my eyes from drifting over and seeming too desperate. Abby rolled her eyes and let out a loud breath.

She definitely was not happy to see me.

I had dated one of her friends back in high school. Things did not end well. I had caught Stacy cheating on me and immediately dumped her. Before I even got to school the next day, the rumor mill had begun to circulate. I had knocked her up and then dumped her when I found out. I had been the one to cheat on her. I had given her an STI. There was even one that had involved some crazy story that I kidnapped her and tried to sell her body to pay for my drug habit. I had never touched a single drug in my life.

I was still clueless as to which one Abby was under the impression had happened. That first day back, I had gotten five different girls phone numbers and quickly started to get the reputation of a jerk. The women loved it, so I never corrected anyone. I let the rumors fly and just lived my life.

My eyes finally flitted over to the woman next to her just in time to see her eyes roaming all over my body, her gaze settling on my crotch for a moment longer than was necessary. I watched in amazement as she swallowed forcibly, the muscles in her neck moving and contracting in the sexiest of ways.

When her eyes finally moved back up my body to mine, I couldn't stop the grin that had settled over my face. "Like what you see, Raven?"

Her eyes flashed with a look that could only be described as sinful but quickly her face changed into a look of pure contempt as she scoffed. "Raven?"

It was the exact excuse I needed to do what I had been wanting to do from the moment I spotted her. I gripped a strand of her raven black, soft, delicate hair between my hands, relishing in the feel of its silkiness between my fingers. "Raven."

The thought of taking her hair in my fists as I claimed her mouth as mine flashed through my mind and I quickly released her hair from my fingers, before I allowed myself to go down that line of thinking and do something stupid.

I stepped back, putting distance between the two of us, the close encounter had allowed her tantalizing scent of cinnamon and sugar to wash over me. Reluctantly, I tore my heated gaze from this mysterious woman and looked back at Abby. "Aren't you going to invite us to join you for a drink?"

Abby shook her head, but the little black-haired vixen spoke for her as she made a shooing gesture with her hand. "Listen buddy, we aren't interested. Take your friends, your attitude, your sexy smile and your little pet names and get the fuck out of here."

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