Uncovered (3)

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**** Good morning lovelies!!!! First day of early mornings with my kiddos so you are getting your chapter early. Let's do a check in! How many readers are new to my books and how many people have read the Distorted Windows Trilogy? Let me know!!!

As per usual with my novels, the more comments and reader engagement there is, the more I update! Sometimes 2 or even 3 a day!!

So don't be shy! Get in there, comment and have fun with the other readers! I love reading the comments! Also, if you see an error, don't be afraid to let me know! I love when y'all have my back! Hope you enjoy this fun little game of strip poker! Who is going to win? ****


"All in." The audible gasps whipped around the room as I held my cards tight to my chest. Nearly everyone dropped their cards on the table, muttering 'I fold'.

The only people that still held on to their cards were Derek, Colten, Kai and me.

Colten's eyes darting from his cards to me, back to his cards, before groaning and tossing them down on the table. "Fuck me, someone tell me they have something that will beat her!"

I was the only one still fully dressed. Lucian was only down his socks. We had played a lot of poker during summer camping trips and holidays.

Kai grunted, dropping his cards hesitantly on the table.

"Just you and I left, lover boy. What's it going to be?" I taunted Derek, sending him a wink. We had been playfully flirting all night. He had been flirting with every girl there though, not just me. I was having fun with it since it was harmless.

"All in." He stated confidently even though I could see him squirm slightly.

Everyone waited. After a full 30 seconds had passed with no one moving, Colten jumped up out of his seat. "Show us already!"

Derek laid his hand on the table and grinned up at me, now fully confident. "Full house."

I tsked him as I lowered my hand from my chest and laid it down on the table.

Derek's "What the fuck!?" was yelled at the same time as Lucian's "Fuck, yeah!"

Lucian had sat at the opposite end of the table. We didn't really care to sit close to each other just in case clothes came off.

Everyone was yelling and slamming their hands on the table, chanting 'take it off, take it off.'

"Four of a kind. Aces." I stated matter-of-factly as Derek pulled his top off over his head. He was much more toned than I had been expecting. For some reason, his slim build had me thinking that he was a scrawny guy, but he wasn't at all.

In one fluid motion, he stood, whipped his boxers down and quickly sat back down.

"You know the rules, Derek. You have to sit there naked until the end of the game." Kai took the deck of cards and began to shuffle them once more before handing them to Derek.

"Guess you all are making your own drinks." Frowning, I looked down into my now empty cup. I had made sure that the second one lasted much longer than the first, but I still had a good buzz going. Lucian had already commented several times how much he loved 'fun Lil'.

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