Boulevardier (2)

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**** Another chapter!? Fucking rights!! Y'all are getting spoiled today!!

A quick shameless plug. If you are a fan and want to support my writing, I will attach the link once more! Don't feel like you have to but it's there if you want to!

Thoughts so far? Are you as stoked as I am!? ****


My head was in my hands as I groaned loudly, causing my brother to laugh. "Now that the parental units are gone, you can get back to nursing that hangover."

"I don't even want to think about booze for the next month. Why did I get so wasted last night?" I lifted my head and rubbed my temples gently, urging the pain to subside.

Lucian's hand appeared on the table in front of me dropping two painkillers. "You were gooned. Like, bad. Thank goodness you had someone to help you home. I don't think I have ever seen you in that state. Abby is a good influence on you."

My head whipped up, bringing on a wave of nausea causing me to groan again. "Help getting home?"

"Don't you remember? Tell me, perfect little Lilly, how did you get home last night?" He was grinning as he took my glass of water and walked over to the sink, filling the glass then bringing it back and setting it down in front of me.

How the fuck did I get home?

I recalled the events of last night. Getting to the bar, having drinks with Abby. The hot but arrogant ass that came over who is apparently a cheating, STI riddled scum bag. I couldn't remember his name for the life of me.


Then dancing. From there, everything else was a complete blank.

"Kai brought you home." Lucian's voice brought me out of my thoughts.


Holy shit.

That was his name.

He brought me home?

I waited for my brother to elaborate. Just when I was about to ask for more details, he went on. "He held your sorry ass up the entire way home. You were loser pissed, falling on your ass and crawling around on the grass. He ended up carrying you into the house and putting you to bed. You're lucky he was there to help you."

Feeling my cheeks heat up, I remembered that I had woken up in just my bra and panties. "Bed?" It came out in a high shriek.

"Yeah. Abby called once he got you upstairs. He helped you get ready for bed while I dealt with her drunk ass." He got back up and started cleaning the kitchen.

That was strange. He only ever cleaned when he was freaking out about a girl or stressed about work. We had just moved here. He had neither.

"He's having people over tonight. We should go." His statement caught me off guard as my eyes darted up to meet his.

Why the hell was I in my underwear last night. Did Kai try something?

Without a thought I stood up and walked out of the room, out the front door and to the house next door. The door swung open after the third knock.

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