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Henry was at a convenience store near the comic books. He was flipping through a comic, a girl about his age approached him and asked, "Whatcha reading?"

"The Hulk versus Wolverine," Henry replied.

"I'm Ava," the girl said. "I think I've seen you around school. You're in Miss Blanchard's class, right?"

Henry nodded and another boy close to his age walked up to Ava.

"Almost ready, Ava?" the boy asked.

"This is my brother, Nicholas," Ava told Henry.

Nicholas smiled. "Hi. Come on -- let's go."

"You want to come hang out?"

"Sure!" Henry exclaimed.

He went to leave the store, but was stopped by Mr. Clark, the owner.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Mr. Clark demanded, looking at Henry. "Open up your bag."

"What?" Henry wondered.

"Don't think I didn't see you rob me. Open your bag."

Henry frowned and said, "I didn't take anything."

Mr. Clark took his bag and looked through it, pulling out fistfuls of candy. "And a liar, too."

Henry turned to Ava. "That's why you were talking to me. So your brother could put that stuff in there."

"Henry... I'm shocked. And you two -- just who do you think you are?"


A man was hacking at a tree with an axe until he managed to topple it. Gretel and Hansel appeared from behind another tree.

"Ah! A fine specimen," the father said. "The wood it provides will keep our family's hearth warm this winter."

"Can't I have an axe?" Gretel asked.


"You did say you wanted me here so I could help."

"That I did. So, here's your task – take the cart, go fill it with kindling. The drier the better."


"And have your brother accompany you."

"Okay." Gretel picked up the end of the cart and went to leave.

"Wait!" He removed the compass from around his neck and placed it over Gretel's head. "Take this."

"Your compass?"

"So you don't get lost. A family always needs to be able to find one another."


"Okay. Go. Be safe."

Hansel and Gretel took the cart and went deeper into the woods.


Hansel and Gretel were still collecting kindling for their father. Hansel had a slingshot and was shooting rocks into the forest.

"It's getting late," Gretel said. "We should go." She took his slingshot.

"Hey!" Hansel cried, "Give it back. Come on, Gretel! Give it back."

"No, Hansel. We need to get back to Father."


"Follow me." Gretel led them to the area where their father was cutting down trees. However, there was no one there. "This is where we left him."

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