Henry, surrounded by Emma, Neal, Mary Margaret, David, Nevaeh, holding Tatiana, Jefferson, holding Tobias, Scarlet, Grace and Mr. Gold, blew out eleven candles on a cake. The adults and Grace cheered and clapped their hands.

Mr. Gold leaned towards Henry. "And now, my boy, for your present. Pick one object from this shop. Anything you like."

Henry walked around looking for something, then suddenly stopped and pointed at one of the wands. "That." He took the wand and waved it around.

"All right, careful, buddy! Wands are powerful," Neal told him.

Henry turned to Mr Gold. "So how does it work?"

"Here, let me show you," Mr. Gold replied and Henry handed Mr. Gold the wand. Mr. Gold waved it through the air for a moment, then turned Henry into a ceramic statue with a flick of his wrist. Grace let out a scream and Scarlet pulled her into her arms, glaring at Mr. Gold.

"Gold, why would you do that!?" David asked.

"The prophecy. The seer said the boy would be my undoing. So I have no choice: I must be his." He took his cane and shattered the statue.


Mr. Gold suddenly woke up from his dream and looked around in distress.


Neal and Henry were sword fighting while Mr. Gold watched on.

Regina approached Mr. Gold. "Seems like we both have been pushed to the side lines."

"What are you doing here?" Mr. Gold questioned.

"The real question is what's your son doing with mine?"

"Oh that..." He turned towards Regina. "That's right, you didn't get the birth announcement, did you? That's Henry's father."


"Do I have to spell it out for you? Miss Swan and my son-"

Regina interrupted him. "You're Henry's grandfather?"

"Guess that makes us family! He's got my eyes, don't you think?" He walked away from Regina.

"You did this!"

"Trust me, dearie, it was as much a shock to me as it is to you."

"No! You must have known! When I adopted them, it was you who procured him for me. You expect me to believe that that was a coincidence?"

"No, not coincidence. Fate. And apparently, fate has a sense of humor."

"Fate. So, you're playing the part of the loving grandpa now? He won't accept you, no matter what you do. Not your son, not any of them."

"We'll see."

"I've already seen, Gold. I've seen your dark heart and it always wins out. You always choose darkness."

"You think you know me, dearie. But you don't."

"I know you well enough. If your own son couldn't bring out the good in you, who will?"


Mr. Gold entered and Belle said, "You're alive."

"Indeed, I am," Mr. Gold replied. "I imagine my last phone call was a bit alarming."

"Yeah. Sounded like you were on your deathbed."

"I'm really sorry if I startled you. I know that you have no memory of me. But my feelings for you are real. And I just needed you to know that in case... well in case I died."

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