Yoonie - Littlespace?

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"Min Yoongi you are coming home and that's that, you need to eat something and you need some proper sleep, I'm coming to get you" Jin hung up the phone before Yoongi could protest, sighing, he saved his work and shut down his computer.

It was about 3am now and Yoongi had been in the studio for several days, working.

All the members were worried about him and so Jin decided he would literally drag Yoongi home, spoon feed him and lull him to sleep if he had to.

"I'm coming in Yoongi-ah" Jins voice came from the door, Yoongi wiped away a couple of tears that has crept down his cheeks as he Jin came in, Yoongi looked down at the floor, too ashamed to even look in Jins direction as he came over to him.

"Yoongi-ah, I don't mean to nag, we're just all really worried about you, you know, I've been thinking of this thing you could try, to relieve your stress, would you be interested in trying it?" Yoongis tired, watery eyes looked up at Jin, and he nodded, willing to try anything to relieve his stress.

"Ok well, I'll let you read up on it yourself, its called a little space, and it just helps you relax, I'll buy some stuff I think you'll need for it and we'll try it when it gets here, how's that?"

"Littlespace?" Yoongi knew what it was, he had found it once before when he was stressed, and had seriously considered it for about 5 seconds before he was too embarrassed to even keep reading the article, but he figured his Jin hyung wouldn't judge him, not if he had suggested it.

And to be honest, Yoongi was too stressed and too tired and too desperate, to argue with him now.

"Ok hyung, I'll try it...can we go home now?" Jin smiled softly and nodded, taking Yoongis hand and leading him to the car.

Jin was already feeling soft and he hadn't even ordered the stuff for Yoongi yet, he couldn't wait.

As soon as they got home, Jin sent Yoongi to have a shower while he went online to buy the stuff he thought Yoongi would need.

He found a good website with everything they could possibly need.

"I don't think you need a lot of stuff to start with, just the essentials..." Jin mumbled as Yoongi came into the room in a pair of sweats, drying his hair.

Jin picked out a fluffy cat onesie for him, chuckling at Yoongis soft shy smile.

He pointed out a couple of Pacifiers to Yoongi, who bashfully picked out some that he liked.

Jin chose a matching bottle and sippy cup for him, and some diapers as they didn't know what age Yoongi would be.

After getting some cute thigh highs that Jin saw him staring at, the order was placed.

"When will it come hyungie?" Yoongi asked, staring at the summary of their order on the screen.

Jin softly smiled at him, "Tomorrow Yoongi-ah, I rushed the order because we've got a free day tomorrow, and I just can't wait to see how cute you'll look" Yoongi blushed, getting up and going back to his room.

"Night Hyung" he called out as Jin smiled, he couldn't wait for tomorrow.

"Yoongi-ah, come here" Jin called out for him the next day as he got the stuff out of the box.

Yoongi waddled in, closing the door behind him and moving closer to Jin.

Jin sat down on the bed and pulled him closer, Yoongi straddling his lap and being cuddled by Jin.

"You feel tense Yoonie, don't worry, your hyungie is going to help you feel small ok? Just relax sweetheart" Yoongi whined, stuffing his face into Jins neck.

Clearly it wasn't going to be very difficult to get Yoongi into his littlespace, the younger already beginning to relax in Jins arms.

Jin picked up the pink pacifier that they had bought, tapping Yoongis cheek gently and getting him to look at him.

He pressed the paci into his mouth and Yoongi smiled behind it, beginning to suck on it gently.

Jin cooed, "you're very cute Yoonie, let's get you dressed hmm? I bet your big boy clothes are uncomfortable, not right for such a little baby..." he said, laying Yoongi on the bed.

He pulled out a thick white diaper, which he decided Yoongi would definitely need, but would also help him feel small.

He secured the diaper on little Yoonies waist, as he looked at the ceiling which was apparently very interesting.

The diaper was thick, stopping him closing his legs and making him look very cute.

Jin then selected the onesie, slipping it onto Yoongi and putting the snap crotch together, smiling at him.

Yoongi kicked his legs, grinning at Jin with red cheeks, "God you're so adorable, the members are going to collapse" Jin mumbled as he picked Yoongi up, handing him a kitten stuffy they had purchased, before taking him out to the other members.

"Our Yoonie is ready! You'll be happy to know that he's wearing a diaper"

Yoongi giggled, kicking his legs as he was swept up by a lovestruck Jimin.

"Oh our Yoonie is so adorable, aren't you baby?" Yoongi squealed, pressing his paci to Jimins cheek as a kiss.

Jimin began kissing all around Yoongis face, finishing with kissing his paci as the other members came into the living room, getting ready to put a movie on for him.

"You ready to watch a movie baby?" He squealed and the members cooed, ready to pamper their new babyboy.

A/N: a very long littlespace imagine ^^ hope you enjoy! Don't forget to follow me, my backup HOSEOKKPHILE and check out my book '703'

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