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~Jihyo's Pov~

"Fine! I'll leave this house and never come back! It's what you want, right?! Then fine, okay! Just forget that you have a daughter." I shouted back as i put my clothes in a luggage and zip it off.

I stomp out my room and look at my mother. She's not even crying. Tch. Why did i even expect? I made my way out the house and walk away even the rain is pouring hard.

When this time comes, I made up my mind. I know a place where to stay, forever. I just hope my life will be better with him.

"Ofcourse it will. He's a good guy." I mumbled as i wipe the tears on my cheeks.


I knocked at the door and it swinged open immediately, exposing my short best friend.

"Jihyo?" He asked confused.

"Hi. C-can i come in?" I asked, smiling weakly. He nod and open the door widely. I made my way to the couch and sit there even i'm soaked and wet.

"What happened? Wait, did you cry? Your eyes. . . is sore." He said sitting beside me.

"I hate her." I said biting my lower lip to stop myself from crying again.

"Shh. It's okay. It will be okay, soon." He said hugging me. I smiled and wiped my tears.

"Okay. Now you already seen my breakdown." I let out a weak chuckle.

"I already seen your breakdown long long time ago. When your father died, and as i remember, that's the last thing that caused why you cry, continued by now." He said with a sly smirk. I sighed.

"I just, can't take it anymore. I can't take her anymore. So i'm staying here forever until i die." I said as i smiled with a tch.

"You have to talk to Imo someday." He said.

"But what about your studies? Are you going to stop?" He asked.

"Of course not. I can be a working student and i'm already collage, it's gonna be easy." I smiled weakly.

"It won't if you get sick. Now go upstairs and take a quick shower so you won't catch fever. I'll cook for our lunch. Your luggage, just put it there so i can help you later in arranging it in your room." He said then i just nod. He made his way in the kitchen.

Phew. That's why i love him very much. Yes, he's my best friend but he's my first love too. I'm so lucky to have him, even just a friend. I like him since high school but he'll never know about that— Over my dead body.

I grab my clothes and smiled.

"Make it delicious Jimin or i will smack your butt and throw your food in the trash!" I shouted as i run upstairs and take my quick shower.


I take a small bite on my kimbap and take a sip some water. I turned to Jimin only to see him blink twice.

"What?" I asked, definitely clueless.

"You're acting weird, wait." He said as he put his palm on my forehead.

"That's why you're so weird. I told you to take a quick shower immediately so you won't catch fever." He said as he sighed.

"I did it 'immediately' though. " I answered, air quotating the word 'immediately' before shoving the whole kimbap piece on my mouth.

"But you're hot." He said.

"I was born hot jimin. Cause i'm alive." i let out a chuckle.

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