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~Jihyo's Pov~

Then i felt a palm on my shoulder, so i quickly grab it and spin the person around but when i turn around—

"Ouch." Taehyung looked at me with a hurt expression, me still holding a grip on his hand.

"O-oh. Mianhae." I vowed non stop after letting go of his hand.

"It's, uh fine. You're so furious." He said, massaging his hand. I stopped vowing.

"Where did you knew that Taekwondo skills?" He asked, sitting infront me.

"I-i learn it from Jimin. . . He teached me." I said, sitting down on my current spot.

"Hm. When did you two met?" He asked, again.

"We met in school, elementary." I replied.

"Me too. I meet him when i'm in first grade, i guess." He said with a chuckle.

"Oh. I met him in fifth grade. He's been bullied that time," I said.

"I'm sure you just left him? Being bullied, huh." He said but i shook my head with a sly smirk plastered on my face.

"I helped him." I answered confidently.

"You help him? You mean, knocking the bullies down?" He asked then i just nod. Well— that's the truth.

"By the way. Why are you here, with him?" He asked, again. Why is this guy keeps on asking me questions like there's no tomorrow?

"Personal problem." I responded adverting my gaze to the floor.

"You cried? Ah, how weak." He whispered but enough for me to hear it.

"Just a little. And its the last time that i cried. I never cry. Ask jimin if you want, actually, i made people cry." I said confidently. This guy is insulting my personality, who does he think he is?

"What? You broke their hearts? I don't think so." He chuckled, a not seems very nice one.

"No. But i smash their faces." I said that made him blink twice.

"You're really great!" He suddenly screamed.

"What happened? Taehyung what did you do to her? You donkey! How could you do that to an innocent girl?!" Jin with the guys barged onto the kitchen.

"He didn't do anything." I uttered.

"W-who shouted?" Jimin asked.

"She's really great hyung. Look, she smash faces even she's a girl! Its so cool ya know!" Taehyung said that made me lower my head and rubbed the back of my neck. Now I'm quite embarrassed.

"Jihyo. Is that true?" Namjoon asked then i just chuckled, nervous of course and nod.

"You should tell us more!" Taehyung smiled.

"O-okay." I smiled.

I told them my other stories, that definai amazed them very much. I know its not really a good expectation for a girl to punch and smack someone's butt or something— but what can i do? That's me.

"You're really great Jihyo. You should hang out with us, right guys?" Jin said and they nod in agreement.

"Of course." I replied, making all of them smile.

"Hyung. I'm hungry." Taehyung said, pouting. This guy sure is pout a lot.

"Namjoon. Go and order us foods." Jin said then namjoon grab his phone and dialed a number immediately.

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