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~Jihyo's Pov~

The class from 2:00 to 5:00 ended and it's the last subject i have for today. Jimin and Serin didn't go to class for now cause they stayed in the library and it's weird cause jimin don't cut classes, well maybe it'll be on the past.

"Let's go to your work." Taehyung said.

"Okay. I guess jimin won't mind if i go with you." As he's too busy with his serin. I smiled and he just nod. We walk to his car and hopped in.

"Let's go." Taehyung said as he start the engine and drove off away from the school.


We're finally here. The restaurant is so fancy and big. We walk out the car and entered the restaurant.

"Jihyo~ah." Jin hyung called as he walk to us.

"Where's Jimin?" He asked.

"Don't know, hyung. I just dropped jihyo here, i'm going home after." Taehyung said and jin hyung just nod.

"Thanks for the ride." I waved to taehyung as he walk to his car. I followed jin hyung in the kitchen.

"This is Joowoo, she's your shifting partner. Joowoo meet jihyo, jihyo meet joowoo." Jin hyung smiled as he introduced us to each other. I shake hands with this woman named joowoo.

"Annyeonghaseyo." I greeted and she just nod and smiled back.

"Jihyo, here's your uniform. Please change quickly 'cause you have to serve this foods to the costumers." He said as he gave me a striped uniform. I walk to the restroom and change. I walk out after and get the foods then serve it to the costumers. I stand beside the cashier counter as i wait for costumers to call for my help.

"Hello kid. You new here?" The woman in the counter asked me then i just nod.

"My name is Jinhee, nice to meet you." She said.

"I'm Jihyo. Nice to meet you too." I smiled.

"Waitress!" Someone called. I walk to the costumer.

"Good day maam, can i take your order please?" I asked as i put my hand above the paper on my other hand for getting ready to write. She look at the meñu.

"Can i have Maeun-Tang? (spicy fish stew)" she asked. I nodded and write it down on my paper.

"And. . . Just give us water for drinks." She added.

"Coming right up maam." I smiled and walk to the counter. I tap the bell.

"One Maeun-Tang please." I said then the assistant inside the kitchen gave me the bowl of that spicy fish stew. I put it in the serving board with one glass of water and serve it with carefull gesture.

"Waitress!" Someone called again. I guess this job really needs a hardwork;)


I walk in the restroom and yawn. I wet my face by the water from the faucet and look at the mirror.

"You can do this Jihyo, fighting!" I smiled. I look at the wall clock and its already 2:59. It clicks another one then my ship is done!

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