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"Can i have two-"

"Make it three!" I crossed my arms.

"Can i have THREE scoops of cookies n' cream, ahjussi." He glared at me.

"And a scoop of chocolate ice cream too, for ME."he remarked. He handed me the ice cream and sat on the bench, across each other.

"You're lucky i'm a nice person."he said. I glared at him. I noticed Serin located on the cart, 2 blocks away from this ice cream shop.

"Time for more tips, chim." I said.

"What?" He turned to me, confused.

"You have to be brave to do this next step." I said as i point to Serin. He turned to her, face lighting up.

"What is it?"

"I think. . . you should try asking for her number. So as you hang out with her and help her hold those bags, tell her to give you her phone number. Don't ask, but tell. Something like 'Serin it's been nice talking to you, Give me your number and we can chat later.' or 'Give me your number so i can help you when you need my help' alright?" Jimin nodded as he listened carefully to what i said.

"But what about y-"

"Don't worry, I'll just call taehyung to pick me up. . . and your gift? I'll just put it in the safe place where no one can touch it, even tannie." I smiled.

"Thanks." He smiled excitedly then kissed the crown of my head, leaving me speechless then immediately approached serin. I dialed taehyung's number and call him. Thank god he immediately picked it up.


"Hi Jagiya, can you pick me up?"

"Oh, where are you right now?"

"In the mall. I'm in the food court, actually. Can you wait for me outside?"

"Okie! Just wait for me there. I'll be there in just five minutes."

"Thanks Jagi!"

"Hm, welcome."

And the call ended. I grabbed the paper bags after i finished eating my ive cream. I walk outside the mall, too surprised that taehyung is already there.

"Hi." I pecked his cheeks.

"Hello. Why are you here in the mall?" He asked.

"I just help jimin to find his gift for jungkook." I said, smiling as i recall when Jimin kissed the crown of my head- oh my god.

"Where is he now?" He asked.

"He's with Serin. Let's just don't bring him on our conversation, hehe. Let's go?" I asked as i walk to his car.

"Okay." He nodded and hopped in. He drove me to the apartment.

"Do you want me to pick you up later? When it's your shifting time?" He asked.

"Okay." i smiled.

"See you later jagi~ love you." He waved at me before driving away. I walk inside the apartment. Tannie ran to me and started licking my face.

"Did my tannie missed me? Hmmm? Well, me too." I said. I put Jimin's gift for Jungkook in the top of his wardrobe, where NO ONE can reach it ;)

I changed my clothes and throw myself in the couch. I locked the door before i take a nap.


"Jihyo. ... Jihyo! Yah, wake up!" I feel someone shaking me. I opened my eyes slightly and see jimin's face.

"What the-"i pushed him and sat up.

"I have a good news." He said with a smile.

"Hm, what is it?" I asked, a little sleepy.

"I got her number." He danced in front of me. Welp, bad news.

"Great~ you can start texting her now if you want 'cause you're disturbing my sleeping time." I said, making him pout and march to his room. I just sighed as i laid down again and made myself comfortable.

"Jihyo! Why did you put the gift above my wardrobe?! You crazy brat! I can't reach it!"he shouted from his room. I just chuckled and sleep again.

~Jimin's Pov~

Aish, this woman. She's a freak! She knows i can't reach the top of my wardrobe so that she put the gift there! I just throw myself on my bed and ignore the gift there. She'll get it tomorrow..


Hi serin! :)

Ayo, Jiminie!

Can i know what
you're doing?

Well, I'm on my room
but actually, I'm bored.

Me too.

Uh- I'm just wondering,
that. . Ya know, can you go
with me on Jungkook's
birthday? Um, tomorrow

Well, if only its ok

Jungkook? Oh! The
boy with the bunny


Ok, I'm in.



I'll pick you up tomorrow

Maybe 8:30? Is that fine?


"Yes!" I jump on my bed.

"She's going with me tomorrow~ yeah, yeah, yeah! Tomorrow~" i sing sang as i continue jumping.


"Yah, Serin is going with me tommorow in jungkook's birthday." I said as i made myself comfortable in the couch.

"Oh, yeah. That's g-great." She smiled. The doorbell rang and she immediately opened it.

"Hi jagi." Taehyung pecked on her cheeks. Oh crap-

"Oh, hi jimin~ssi." Taehyung waved at me and i just faked a smile.

"We're going now." Jihyo said and i just nod.

"Bye bye~"I smiled and. . . . They left.

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