18 : All Well Ends Well?

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Puen was prepared to leave Thailand when her car was stopped in the middle of nowhere on her way to the airport with a jeep she was very familiar with. It abruptly parks in front of her Audi, shocking her to death as she hit on her brake hard.

Puen smirk seeing the driver.

Her happiness in getting rid of the pests getting between her and Forth didn't last long when her father calls to notify her that someone is trying to buy their company shares in large amounts so they can surpass him as the main shareholder.

The bad news is, her father just realised it today when his friend tipped him. The buyer is short by two per cent to overtake him as the main shareholder then they will be left with nothing if the new biggest shareholders takeover.

So her father tells her to get out of Thailand and go to Europe until everything is settled down.

But that's not all the problems she has. Puen does some digging and asks the informer at the hotel about the shooting. She nearly fainted when her informer told him that Kit's husband was shot instead of Mingkwan.

He didn't know that Ming has a twin. She thought she kills the lowlife beggar who causes her to be humiliated in front of Forth's parents.

However, she was really satisfied to know that the hitman she hired got Beam too. The problem is, the informer told her that the camera clearly caught the face of the shooter and the Jamornhums is hunting the culprit as of now.

Clouded in fear, she decided to pack up and leave because Puen has had no contact with the men she hired since hours ago. She suspected that they were caught by the Jamornhums and she will be next if he didn't get out of the country soon.

She hates it when she is right. But luckily it was just Prae. Maybe she can eliminate this one by herself so she took out the gun under her seat.



That is as far as she goes.


Five months later...

"Beammm!! Tell Forth to go to work!! My Kitty isn't his servant!" Another normal day at the Jamornhums household consist of two handsome men who are still cuddling each other refusing to get up just yet.

Mark has a knack for showing up whenever Beam is on his off-days and then refuse to let Kit go to work.

"He will go in. This afternoon. I'll make sure of it and you can have your husband back afterwards." Beam replied to Mark who Beam imagine is sulking at his answer. This man is as spoiled as his husband.

"Can he go now?!! I want my Kitty back." He is now whining at Beam much to Forth annoyance.

"I just got him back last night too, you idiot. Kit is a shareholder now. He has responsibilities towards the company too." Forth retort this time. He opts to gives Kit shares from the company because he can and Kit deserved it.

"No!! Now you go or I'll drag him home myself so you and your pathetic ass can kiss goodbye to your company. Let them be ruin and get bankrupt." Mark and his sharp tongue sound like a joke to Forth now.

"Thanks for the wishes, Mark. See you in the afternoon." Forth countered playfully, ending the call then put his phone in silence mode before resuming to cuddle his husband.

The two held a small wedding ceremony two months ago at Moe's restaurant in Pattaya, attended only by their families and that's become the happiest day for both of them.

Beam panic attack continues for about three weeks where he cannot stand even the slightest booming sound. The incident left him wounded physically and emotionally. Mark was about the same but he was recovering well and faster than Beam maybe because he was used to the gun sound when he was training with Ming.

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