Chapter 70 | return to wammys

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"Give me the controller!"

"No way you die in the first five seconds!"

A play fight was going down on the floor of the playroom in front of the TV. The video game controller being held out of reach of the short tempted blonde by a teasing red head. 

"Hey! Don't knock my tower over!"

Having almost whacked the block tower taller than the smallest boy over, Matt let his guard down to apologise and Mello used that chance to snatch the controller off him.

"HEY! Ugh... sorry Near" Matt sighed.

"Dong worry about it, but if you knock this over you're rebuilding it" Near replied.

"What is it the bloody Empire State Building? It's taller than you"

"Oi enough about stupid block towers. Watch me fuck up this boss" Mello jumped in.

Before he could press start, the boys were all snapped from their conversation upon hearing a car door close outside.

"Who's here? No one ever comes here..." Matt muttered.

"What time is it?" Near asked.

"Midday- wait THEY'RE BACK! Mello exclaimed.

Dropping everything they had the boys scrambled to their feet and booked it down the hallway, down the spiral staircase and swung around the corner to the front doors of the orphanage.

"No running in the hal- you know what there's no stopping them..." Roger called from his office as they ran past.

And he was right there was no stopping them. Busting the front doors open they ran down the  front courtyard and up to the driveway where before you could even say a word to them, they jumped on you and L knocking you both down.

"AH! Ok ok! We missed you too!" You laughed.

"Can I breathe please?" L added.

Their tight grip on you both was loosened and one by one you got back on your feet dusting the grass off your clothes.

"That took way longer than you said it would!" Matt scolded.

"Well the case didn't exactly go to plan" L replied.

Watari put the bags from the boot of the car down next to you and L to take inside, the boys now noticing his presence.

"Hey Mr wammy" they greeted.

"I won't be seeing any bad behaviour reports from Roger with your names on them will I?" He asked.

They were silent for a moment, giving each other worried glances.

"No..." Mello said, suspiciously.

God what have they done this time? Bet it was one of Mellos stupid plans to try and sneak out to the skatepark at night.

"L can you take my backpack so I can get my suitcase?"

Suddenly remembering there'd be new kids here, they boys turned their attention to the girls voice coming from the boot of the car.

"Here I'll take them both" L replied, walking around to the back of the car to grab the girls bags.

You also took the time to open the doors to the backseat and unbuckle boy from his car seat as he was still to small to go without one.

"L grab his bags too. I'll take them in when I've unbuckled him" you said.


The pile of suitcases was topped off with another backpack, obviously belonging to a kid. The boys were rather exited to meet the new kids.

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