Chapter 28| new recruits

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Today you meet three new kids, you'd been assigned to help them settle in. L was helping, even though he wasn't the biggest fan of children, he was doing it for you. Three kids would be a bit much to handle alone when you're not even in your 20s yet.

You were called up to the front office and when you arrived you saw three very little kids sitting on the floor playing with some blocks, Watari and Roger watching them.

"Ah, there you two are" Roger said.

The kids looked over at the door and gave you worried eyes.

"Thank you for helping out, I didn't expect you to be on board L" Watari said.

"(Y/n) talked me into it" he replied.

"I figured. Ok, this is Mail, Mihael and Nate, but we'll be calling them Mello, Matt and Near"

"Mello, Matt and Near got it" you said.

Mello was pretty tall for his age, he has blonde hair down to his shoulders, wore a block hoodie and pants and had really bright blue eyes. He seemed the most interested in you. Matt was wearing white and black stripes and grey sweatpants, he had blue eyes, bright red hair and a bandaid on his cheek. He also had a few freckles across his cheeks. Then there was Near, the smallest. He was obviously pretty shy. He has white hair and wore all white pyjamas.

"Boys, this is (y/n) and L. They'll be helping look after you from now on. They're the oldest kids here so if you need anything, find either them or us" Roger said.

Mello was the first to drop his building blocks and speak up.

"Woah, you're sure tall!" He said, pointing to L.

He wasn't wrong, of L were to actually stand up straight for once he's be taller than Watari.

"I guess I just got lucky growing up" he replied.

You could already tell Mello was going to be the most talkative.

"Ok, they're going to show you around and then you can go play until lunch alright?" Watari said.

They boys nodded, they got up and walked over to you, eager to go and play. But Near seemed to be having some trouble. Usually three year olds could walk by then, but if you remembered correctly, he was the one neglected by his parents, so he probably hadn't learnt to walk or talk properly. He could stand and all, but was pretty wobbly on his feet.

You leaned down to his height and held out your arms.

"Want me to carry you?" You asked.

He nodded, stumbling into your arms for you to pick him up. And off you went, down the halls with two kids trailing behind you and one in your arms.

"Hey, if you're L does that mean you're that super smart police guy?" Matt asked, tugging ok L's sleeve.

"Yeah, just keep it a secret ok? No one else can know" he replied.

"Why not?" Mello asked.

L didn't exactly know how to explain the fact he'd be killed if he was found out to children, so he looked over at you to take over.

"Because if anyone finds out, bad guys will try and hunt us! And we can't catch bad guys if the bad guys have us!" You said.

"Ok! We'll keep it a secret!" Matt said, excitedly.

These boys seemed to already see L as some kind of superhero.

You reached the main part of the orphanage, ready to give a tour.

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