Chapter 40 | off to LA

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"It'll only be a week guys"

That what you said when you waved off the boys on the way to the airport. You'd never left England, you'd never left the boys. You hoped they'd be ok without you and you promised to bring them something back from America.

You and L sat in the back of the car, Watari driving, with your suitcases in the boot of the car. Super early in the morning to make the flight. You were kind of exited to be going to another country, but also kind of scared. Ans also very confused... this week had been a mess.

B attempts suicide then is arrested, his trial is soon and you have a chance to talk to him. Try and figure out what happened. You really hoped that somewhere under the burn scars and bloodied hands he had at least a little of his old self in him. You listened to the sound of the wheels against the road and the repetitive tapping of Ls fingers on the car door. Something he did when his thoughts were running a million miles a second.

This whole situation really made you think about the network wammys had, and the fact B was the first to break it.

You see, You and L were among the first generation of kids at the orphanage. L obviously went on to be the worlds greatest detective, and you another prominent detective. Detectives that the police force didn't like for 'stealing their cases' and 'morally wrong methods'. Honestly... at least your methods actually obeyed the law. Sure you both used loopholes in some extreme circumstances, but you'd never break the law, never hurt someone innocent or guilty. Unlike many of the cops that didn't like you.

You and L preferred to work with other private investigators because not only to they get the job done, they aren't as slimy. Every time you have had to work with a police force you ended carrying the case. Fuck cops, they were the ones doing everything they accused you and L of.

That was why when it became apparent you needed a network of your own agents, a few of the wammys kids stepped up. And now, there's graduates of wammys all over the world to be L's eyes. If he needs to see something up close, he'll send them in and have them report back.

There seemed to be three kinds of kids at wammys. The ones who offered to be agents of L after the initial B incident of him running off. Some went on to live a normal life, sworn to secrecy about wammys. And the kids who grew up and didn't want to leave, so they work for the orphanage now. Of course there's the successors, but they're in a category of their own, the next in line for title of L.

You didn't have any wammys agents stationed in America. So you would be the first from the orphanage to see B after all these years. It really made you think.

"L that tapping is driving me insane" you said, breaking the silence.

"Sorry... I can't stop thinking. What if we had someone stationed in America?"

"We don't have enough agents for that. Plus maybe it's best we didn't in case they encountered B and something went wrong"

"I guess, I just hope the cops haven't butchered his case. He doesn't deserve to be let off, but he deserves the right punishment. And we both know how the LAPD have handled murder cases in the past..." L sighed.

"The cops may hate us, but they're also terrified of us. They'll listen to us. They don't have to know we are L and (F/I) in person, to they'll we're just agents sent by the FBI. You're forgetting how much power we have in the justice system. They won't butcher his case if they know we're on it. All cases we've worked on they've aced because they know we can get them fired for breaking regulations if they fuck it up"

L's tapping stopped. Thoughts slowing down.

"I guess you're right. It'll be interesting to see how the trail goes, and what B has to say" L said.

"It will be. And by the way, all this talk of agents, where are they now?"

"J is in Brazil, watching a suspected kidnapper. S is in India, wrapping up a case I finished a while ago, getting documents and stuff. And I've just sent K to Thailand, there's an apparent bio terrorist organisation operating out there I want him to watch"

"The others are home?" You asked.

"For now"

Seems like a pretty full plate at the moment. LABB, a kidnapper and suspected bio terrorist all at once. Of course LABB is the priority here since the other two are just suspected at the moment. But still pretty big cases. Explains why L's been stressing out of his mind.

You finally pulled up to the airport, getting your bags out and heading inside to check in and get through security. The flight would take about 13 long boring hours. Maybe you could try and convince L to use that time to catch up on much needed sleep.

Airports have always felt surreal to you, something about the ambiance of a giant building with parts that are bustling with people trying to get to their terminal and parts that are empty as no landing or take off was happening in the terminal. The air was always slightly off at airports, but not really in a bad way.

It seemed pretty empty at the moment, maybe it was because it was early. Rolling your bags over to the international terminal, you let Watari deal with the tickets as he knew what he was doing. You checked your carry on one last time in case you had to take something from your suitcase before watching it disappear on the conveyer belt. Then it was off to security. Surprisingly the lines were short and it was quick.

Annoyingly you had to take off your belt since the buckle was metal. Watching you do that reminded L that belts are a thing that exists and he never wears. But after the fiasco you were off to the departure gate to wait for your flight.

Sitting down at the waiting area, you sighed. You were tired, definitely not a morning person. You put your head on L's shoulder, wanting to pass out.

"Don't fall asleep just yet, wait until we're on the plane" he said.

"I'm tired" you groaned.

"Me too"

"What's this? The king insomniac is tired?"

"This week has worn me out, I'm about ready to faint of exhaustion for once in my life" L replied.

"I get that. Looks like we're both passing out on the plane" you said.

L leaned his head against yours, for the first time in ages he was tired enough to actually feel it. Maybe it was the fact he was emotionally exhausted as well as physically this time. But whatever it was he should really follow your advice and sleep on the plane since first thing tomorrow morning he'd be faced with his old successor.

But for now there was only one thought in his overtired brain.

This flight will be boring as fuck.

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