Butler of the knights of favounious

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You were about to get commissions from the guild to earn some mora, you were talking to Katheryn untill you saw a poster


Your eyes widen from the poster, the kov was taking in knights? Katheryn snaped you back to reality and gave you your commissions, she looked to the side and said "I see your interested in joining the knights, Y/N" Katheryn said with a smile "yeah i kinda am" you say while rubbing your neck "well maybe ill have an opportunity so Ill finish my commissions and head to the interview (or whatever). She noded and said "Ad asstra abyysouqes Y/N!" "Ad asstra abyysouqes" you said with a smile.

•○~ T I M E S K I P ~○•

Your collected your rewards and went to the headquarters of the kof, you saw a silver haired girl walking going to the headquarters. "Noelle?" You said with a soft voice , she turned around and screamed "Y/N!" She hugged you and you hugged back. "Its been along time hasnt it?" You said with a smile letting her go "It actually has hasnt it?" You both laughed and went into the headquarters waitting for your turn to be interviwed, "Sooo Noelle, what role are you looking for?" "Im looking for the maiden on and practicing to be a true knight!" You smiled "I hope you get it,Noelle!" You hit her elbow.

"What about you,Y/N"  she said with a curious face , I said " I dont really know , ill see what I get and tell you"
She pouted because she really wanted to know what you're gonna choose

It was this "Albedo" guys turn when he was walking to the office and both of you made eye contract, he smiles and you smile back. You looked back at Noelle with a "he's my type" look and she gives you a "I know" look.

The strange thing was that he had a weird aura surrounding him, it felt.... different then the auras you felt while you lived. You look infront of you and you say a child with Blonde hair with red eyes, you saw a pyro vision on her backpack. She looked at you with a smily face when she saw that you had an electro vision. You smiled back at the little girl and went back to waiting.

•~○ T I M E S K I P ○~•

It was your turn and you were sweating dreadfully causing anxiety to flow up your blood and mind (what if they see me as weak? What if they think im a monster? What if-) your thoughts got caught off by Acting grand master Ms Jean calling your name "Y/N L/N" she called out "me" you raised your hand and walked over to the office.

"So Mr, Y/N what are your talents?"
Jean said while looking directly into your eyes " Im very skilled with my sword and my vision" her eyes widen when you said vision (he might be usefull) she taught as you were talking " Im also very fast cleaning, doing commissions and etc" you said while smiling in terror, she cleard hee throught and said "Butler Y/N your hired, a butler and maiden is a quite rare role to get the knights of favounious " she said while giving me a smile , my eyes widen with joy and said " THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ACCEPTING ME " I was about to cry but i holded my happy tears. Jean then shouted "NEXT" and I left the room with a bright smile Noelle saw me smiling and asked "well, what did you get?" She said with excitement as we both left the headquarters " I GOT BUTLER!" I said and she looked at me with amazement "I GOT MAIDEN!" We both looked at eachother with a smile. *if you have a friend, they will follow you where ever you go, thats what friends about,right?*

Eio! Sh0y0 here, sorry if it not to your liking! If you have requests for another charcter x male reader from genshin impact, let me know kay! Sayonara!~

𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 (Albedo x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now