Is this love?

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3rd person POV :

M/N ) Now what did we learn today?

A ) mmphmfm

Albedo was duck taped to the wall, well not that much just on his waist and mouth.

M/N ) Good boy

M/N opened the duck tape slowly to not hurt him and helped him down. And gave a quick peck on his cheeck, Albedo pointed onto his lips

M/N ) What? I dont understand what you're saying~

A ) Give me a kiss....

M/N giggled and gave him a kiss.

A ) I dont know how to process this feeling, I feel warm, fuzzy and needy when Im around you... You are the trusted ally of the lord of the wind so please

Albedo took M/N's hands and intertwined them into his

A ) What is this feeling?

M/N ) Its called love Albedo, I will help you understand it. I promise

M/N said that whilst admiring him

M/N and Albedo started dating and none of them told anyone but of course Kaeya caught them making out and told everybody not to try M/N or Albedo

When they both heard it M/N was a blushing mess whilst Albedo was smiling, knowing that everbody knows that M/N was his. Only his

"You are mine my dear. No one else's."

After a couple months of dating him and being bombrated with cute little skng lyrics or cards made by Klee. M/N never exoected anything like today.

A/N : This is a copy paste of my prince chaoter from my oneshots bc ur author is lazy :p



Chalk prince



Everything people call him is wrong to me, he deserves a better name.

My thoughts were cut off by a person tapping my shoulder,him. He was stunning like the perfect prince from a fairy tale, blonde hair tied up into a small ponytail, hair messy as a birds nest,smooth blonde hair , blue eyes as the deep ocean, he was perfect.

Albedo ) Hello Y/N, I was hopping you'd help me with this experiment. Can you?

Y/N ) Ofcourse I can, I don't have much to do anyway!

I got up and followed him to his lab

After he and I entered I heard a "click" sound coming from the door, at first I thought it was just the door closing and oh how I was dead wrong.

Y/N ) So what do you need helo with- eh?

You suddenly felt arms Wrapped around you're waist and his chin on you're shoulder,

Y/N ) Albedo, what are you doing?

Trying to wiggle yourself out and failing because he tightens his hands around you.

A ) Why?~ Cant I have fun with my lover?

Y/N ) You sly little 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎~

His heart stopped when you called him prince,

Albedo pov :

That nickname that came out of those soft lips of theirs. I could not get over it, I want them to say it repeatedly. No, for eternity.

Y/N ) Prince,You good?

I spun them around and held there waist in one arm and one arm holding theirs.

Y/N ) P-p-prince?

A ) I like that name, call me that from now on except when were in bed.

Y/N ) yoU DIRTY LITTLE- uhmph!

I smacked my lips onto theirs and they started to melt in it, the kiss the started fo get more sloppy and hotter. He then slid his lips onto you're neck leaving love marks or hickeys

Y/N ) Albedo,hngh~ wAIT-

A ) To late, im not gonna stop until you make that cute noise again and...

He whispered sudectivly into you're ear

A ) Don't even try faking love~

Helloo every human~ This book has come to its end! I know everybody might feel a tad bit upset about this book but in my opinion its not that good so plz dont go crazy about it <3. Thank you for all of you Albedo lovers for your support for this book and supporting a nerd with no life :') One of my first books that im proud with ending. I hope you enjoyed it, see you again <//33

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𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 (Albedo x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now