your secret is safe

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I woke up looking at a man with blonde hair sleeping on my chair, it looked like he was overworking. He was quite handsome thats one thing, I sat up and tried remembering what happened.

  (Chapter 3 "The abyys?!" Flashback)

The abyys mage wanted Vengeance for kh'anriah. Shoto saved you and you there first target.


(Probly there firsy move, making me weak by getting a fever....) you groaned in a tired tone laying back into you bed. Albedo got up and pulled up his sword for some reason "WHERE ARE YOU ABYYS MA-" you took his hand to make him stop screaming in the middle of the night "Albedo its fine,no abyys mage is her-  Wait...." I took a moment to realize he said abyss mage) But that was a conversation with me and ms.Lisa..... I let him go "How do you know the abyys mage incident?" "I didn't but you just exposed yourself" your face heated up from embarrassment from what you just said, you Coverd you face and avoid eye-contact. I pair of hands touched your hands removing them from your face, you closed your eyes to avoid eye-contact. He touches your checks and moved your face towards his face, "I won't tell your secret, just tell me what happend"

I squint open my eyes open and looked at his blue eyes,"well firstly (insert "The abyys?!" Chapter)" "huh.. thats rather interesting, I don't know what crazier... A talking cat or the cat turning into a tigger and attacking and abyys mage" he putted the 👈 hand on his chin and you giggled. For a reason he find your giggle very cute, "Then you should be getting rest now,don't want the fever to get worst huh?" He looked at me with a smile "yeah hehe" I giggled while Laying back on the bed.

Sh0y0 : Get your popcorn its getting quite interesting 🍿

He got on the bed and rapped his hands around me, I turned at him with a tomato face. "Albedo what are you doing?!" I said almost stuttering every-single word that came from my mouth, he put his chin on my head and said "sleep" I closed my eyes while rapping my arms around him as well. "Your secret is safe... Y/N."

Eio! Sh0y0 here, for some reason I keep making my chapters at night so sorry if almost all of them are short ○>○ anyways sayonara~

Words : 414

𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 (Albedo x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now