Hide and seek

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S ) Mr. Albedo! I got yo- Huh? Where did he go?

Sucrose looked around to find M/N looking for him aswell

S) Mr.M/N! Have you seen Albedo?

M/N ) Sucrose... I was about to ask the same thing...

At that moment they both snapped

M/N + S ) Albedo's, missing?

S ) He would never leave his lab, even so if he did he would go to good hunters. If its closed He just gets back to work.

M/N ) In conculsion hes missing. Oh well its not that that theres anyone else that could see footprints

A/N : M/N's talent is "Truth to behold" he can make anything that a naked eye cant see, this will only happen after he uses "dancing electricty" which makes a black hole and shots out sharp and eletrical needles. He could see where the enemies weak spot, although in lore he can see foreign handwriting and footsteps of a person. He just need to put the persons image in his mind and footsteps would appear in a bright green colour.

M/N ) I see the tracks, lets go.

Sucrose just went along with M/N as he sprinted following his footprints

M/N ) Aya, did this idiot go into a domain full of abyys!?

S ) Looks like it!

M/N ) You have your Catalyst with you right?

S ) Mr.M/N dont tell me- Hey wait for me!

M/N opened the domain gates and sprinted inside

S ) Dont tell me he is going to do something stupid!

M/N used his skill again to find footprints, but no trace

M/N ) Dang it, no more clues...


He turned around to see an abyys herald lunging at him. He zapped himelf to the opposite side and kicked him hard

M/N ) Before you lunge at someone think first!

Abyys herlad) So this is the power of bird of the sky, most trusted ally of Barbatos no?

M/N looked at the abyys herald in horror

M/N ) How did you- Uh what do you mean oh great abyys herald? Why would a human being like me be a goddamn ally of an ARCHON?!

He lifted the herlad with anemo powers and slammed him to the wall. Sucrose remmained schocked.

Sucrose's pov :

'How did he control anemo?'

'And why do I feel dizzy?'

Third person pov :

M/N ) Now that you are dealt with, cmon Sucrose we gotta keep- Sucrose?

S ) I dont... Feel so good...

M/N ) Oh got already?! If you stay here longer you'll die! Uhhh- Okay if you remember, dont tell anyone!

S ) Dont tell- WHAA-

Sucrose got lifted into the air and dissapeared with the wind

M/N ) Sorry... I promise Ill be back

He then ran off deeper into the domain

'Cmon cmon where are you!'

Abyys mage pov :

C abyys mage ) My lord! What has he done to you?!

Abyys herlad ) As expected from the 5        winds.

Albedo ) Are you really trying to defeat a gods ally?

Abyys herald) What did you say chalk?!

Albedo ) Even if you take my vision away my words are still sharp, even if you want to kill me or him. You cant. Its immposible.

Abyys herald ) Why you, GAHR-

A zap went through his chest

Abyys herald ) Who-

M/N ) Who what? Theres nobody behind you, their infront of you!

He turned around and got his neck slashed with a blade. The abyys mage's stayed silent, not daring to even move.

M/N ) What are you staring at? You wanna end up like your so called master, open the gate.

He said with a threatening tone, all of the abyys mages hide behind the cryo mage.

Abyys mages ) Pleass your grace! Spare us! We will give you the key- Even our life's! Just dont do that to us!

They said whislt handing the key over to M/N

M/N ) Thank you for you patronage.

He snatched the keys and unlocked the prison.

A ) You really are the 5 winds~

M/N ) Oh shut it chalk prince, now get up.

He lended a hand and the prince got up.


He pinched Albedo's ear like a mother disciplining their child

A ) Hey ow ow ow! Im sorry im sorry!

Abyys mage ) Even chalk gets punished by him

Abyys mage ) I wonder why though

Hello everhuman~ As you can see I am amlive and well but uh now I dont have ideas, if any of you are kind enough please give me suggestions for the next chapeter or be patient enough to have me get insporation. Thats it from me bye bye~

𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 (Albedo x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now