Taking care of her.... together?

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Albedo POV :

It has been a few months since I've been working as chief alchemist of the knights of Favonious, this h/c boy has a very weird aura surrounding him. It fells like.... A god aura, but I know that he can't be the electro archon because if he is he wouldn't be in Mondsat but at Inazuma...


Your POV :

The last few months when I was working as Butler of the kof The chief alchemist also known as "Albedo" kept starring at me with very intimidating eyes, Oh Lord Barbatos if he knows my secret, who knows what are they gonna do to me?

Your thoughts got cut off by a blonde little girl who looked like she just chugged a bag of sugar tapping your shoulder, "You must be Mr,Y/N right?" You nod in response and her eyes sparkled with joy. "Master Jean said Mr,Y/N and bug brother Albedo has to take care of me cause the other knights cant handle me" (I wonder why)


"BOING,BOING BOOM!" Klee said with a energetic voice "KLEE, NO NO NO-" one of the Knights said as you were just trying to relax for a little while cause those hillichruls were tough as heck.

•~○ P R E S E N T ○~•

(Wait.... did she say Albedo?!-) You were shock by the alchemists name coming out of her mouth ( and big brother? So he has a sister ig?-) she waved her hand trying snap me back to reality, I snaped back to reality and looked at her. "O-ofcourse Klee, I would be willing to take care of you" smilling and sweating while you were talking "Okay! Ill go get Albedo!!!" She said with the cutest smile (HOW TF AM I GONNA SAY NO TO THIS CHILD-) you were screaming inside while seeing her run off.

Klee POV :

I was running to big brother Albedo's room but he says its an office not a room to sleep in but I wanna call it a room anyway, I knocked on his door as he told me to do every time when you wanna come in anywhere. "Yes,Klee?" The door opened while Albedo stood there looking at me, "what do you need?" Albedo said with a tired voice "Master Jean said that You and Mr Y/N have to take care of me for business" he looked at me with a shook face he looked at his calender and said this weird s word I think it was "sh!+" and said " wait here Klee I need to get ready" and closed the door, Mr Y/N was already done with his butler stuff and ready to play with me "Hey Klee!" I looked at him with a smile " HORRAY LET'S PLAY!" I screamed and dragged Mr Y/N to my room. "This is solitary confinement that I is my room to!" He looked around my room and saw my gun powder " Klee, why do you have gun powder?" " I use it to make my bombs!" He looked at me with a terrified face and almost fainted, " well um.. what do you wanna do?" "I WANNA MAKE BOMBS!" he just looked at the gun powder then me " o-okay if you say so" He sat down and I grabbed all the materials I need to make my bombs. " so first your gonna............................"

•~○ T I M E S K I P ○~•

Y/N pov :

"Now were gonna paint them! So for my normal bombs it white and red and it also goes with jumpty dumbtys color, for this bomb its a special one and I putted extra gunpowder in it and im gonna burry it as my treasure!" She said with a smile, I was extremely terrified with making bombs with a child, (no wonder she's called the spark knight) She painted her special bomb while I colored her normal bombs. There was a knock at the door and I opened it and there was Albedo at the door, "Hello Y/N" I froze because he just said it with a charming smile (GAAAH- HE SO HANDSOME-) "Hello there Mr Albedo"  I slightly bowed "So we have to take care of Klee?" " Yeah we kinda do?" I slightly rub my head while looking at Klee, " Hey Klee" her elf ears went up as Albedo spoke " BIG BROTHER!!"  I moved out of the way so she could hug him, " I missed you SOOO much" "I missed you to,Klee" it was so adorable that you can faint of cuteness,  "So what are we gonna do?" Albedo said, Klee just replied " LET'S GO FISH BLASTING!" We both look at eachother knowing we have to get our weapons before hillichruls attack them and Klee.


She started throwing her bombs at the fishes while I was looking for wood and a fire material, then I saw a cryo slime that was gonna hit Klee, I used my electro vision to teleport to Klee and shield her I waited for the pain to accure but didn't feel anything Instead I accidently activated my anemo skills on the smile making it explode, I squint open my eyes looking that the slime was gone, "KLEE ARE OKAY?! ARE YOU HURT?!" "Im okay thanks to you" I sighed in relief "Also how do you control Anemo but you have an electro Vision?" "OH UH- MAYBE LORD BARBATOS SAVED US?-" she look at me with a curious face "okay then if you say so" and she continues to throw bombs at the fish

(If she knew and told Master Jean im so doomed.) You thought as you got up and continue looking for pyro materials


You guys sat down while you started the fire try not to activate your Anemo powers *again* while you were doing that Albedo stared at you like he is a hungry beast, chills went down your spine as you were starting the fire.

After you cooked the fish it started to get late "cmon, let go back to mondstat" you carried the containers full of fish that Klee got and went back to Mondstat.

Albedo POV :

I was tired from taking care of Klee but something just won't get off my mind, when I was coming back to starfall lake and saw Y/N using anemo powers with out the vision amazed me . I was very curious and wanted to study about it, looking through my books I saw a story book and it read " The trusted ally of Lord Barbatos" I took the book and saw a h/c man bowing down to Lord Barbatos when it snaped to me that Y/N hair is h/c I read it and it was quite similar to what I saw Y/N doing


Word : 1177

𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 (Albedo x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now