An immortal can get sick (slight nswf)

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Y/N pov :

I was hanging the laundry but my head just can't stop thinking of someone....

<< albedo, mr albedo , sir albedo , chalk prince >>

All his names that he uses went through my head rent free, when I thought about him my face goes red as a tomato. For some reason when I get all red the wind blows and calms me right down, however this time it didn't work . I wasn't flustered or red as a tomato, my body felt hot and I was sweating to much. After I finished hanging clothes I ran back in Noelle saw me dash through the doors and went to the dorms that the KOF prepare

Noelle POV :

I saw Y/N ran to the dorms and thought "But hes and immortal, how is he sick. Nonono he must be red faced or something". I knocked on his dorm and said "Y/N, are you okay? You seem so red just now" I said with a worried look, "Im fine, Noelle. Dont worry" he replied while panting, "May I come in?" I said while looking at his door "its unlocked" he said with a tired voice, I came in and saw him sweating and trying to cool himself up with his fan

Ad3lia : Uh before we continue the fan was a gift from Venti and he uses it to control his anemo powers 0w0 okay sorry. Go on go back to reading.

"OH MY! Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?! YOU LOOK LIKE YOU MAY HAVE A FEVER!" I said while putting the back of my hand on his forehead "y-yeah im fine, thank you" he removed my hand from his forehead and stood up "I must... continue.. commissions" and collapsed to the floor "Y/N!" I panicked and ran downstairs to ask master Jean for help "Master Jean, Y/N passed out!" I said with a worried look ,she looked at me with a horrified look ,she put down her paperwork and stood up "im coming to check on him" I nodded and went to the kitchen to get an ice pack, then it snapped to me. "MR,ALBEDO CAN HELP!" I took the ice pack and ran to his office,I knocked on the door and said "Mr.Albedo Y/N passed out I think you can help-" the door opened as fast as I could flip a pancake, he ran to Y/N's dorm leaving me there confused, right after I said Y/N's name he got a weird look on his face that I never seen on him before. It looked like a mix of love and worry.

I hurry to Y/N's room and saw albedo on his bed and Y/N's head on his lap "He has quite a high fever, it may be from over-working,fighting in the rain, or from the sun" Albedo said while looking at his face "An ice pack would really help him cool off" "Oh! I have one right her with me" holding it up , he put up his hand in signal to give it. I gave it to him and he putted it on Y/N's head, "let's let him rest,Albedo I'm counting on you to take care of him" Jean said while looking at Y/N, I looked at Albedo and he nodded like he read my mind.

Albedo POV :

His face was red, not flustered but in as sick way. It just wanted me to kiss him more, WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING! Thats very unprofessional, I face planted while putting his head on the pillow. His face was so handsome and peaceful,I went downstairs to make some soup for him after he wakes up, luckily we had a maid and a butler. Noelle was making soup for Y/N and knew I was gonna make some for him.

She looked at me and pointed at the soup at the table and signaling me to feed him that on, I nodded and went upstairs while holding the soup


I passed out when I was gonna leave the room, I realized I wasn't on the floor anymore , I was on my bed. I got up and something fell of my head "an ice pack?" I looked at it while someone opened my door, the chalk prince sat on the chair from my desk beside my bed. "I see your already awake,you gain consciousness really fast, now say aah" we pointed to spoon at me "aah" and and he putted the food in my mouth, I swallowed it knowing its Noelle's cooking. For some reason it had bitterness in it, she mixed the medicine with the food didn't she? You didn't like medicine so she knew how to make it invisible (the medicine) He smiled at me and pointed the spoon at me and looking at me with the "finish it" look, I did and I was to tired to even open my eyes... I knew sleeping after eating is not good but I had to

Albedo POV :

He slept right after he finished the food,Im guessing there was fever medicine that had "sleep instantly" in the affect. I looked at him, I looked like a creep watching him sleep but whatever. He was so cute I could just kiss him, I lost control and lifted his face and kissed him on the lips. He wasn't conscious while I was doing these actions. For a reason he opened his mouth and my tounge went in, exploring his mouth. I break the kiss while catching my breath, he was a perfect person for me, sweet,kind,overworking and cute. I wasnt sure if he had the same feeling for me

Eio! Sh0y0 here ○w○, help I wrote this at 12:29 am lol- I need literal sleep 💃🤺💃🤺💃 I forgot to post a yesterday sorry- I was actually out ideas until I remembered the word "butterfly" and got an idea,I laughed while I was calling my friend- lol sorry Skylarthefluf -w- well sayonara~

Words : 1016

𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 (Albedo x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now