The abyss?!

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It has been a year that I've been a butler at the kov. I was gonna leave Mondsta to "do my commissions" which I have done early in the morning, I was actually gonna go see shoto. Shoto was a cat that I always see around mondstat, he had white fur and blue eyes. "Shoto! Meowmeow (lol sorry) where are you" clapping my hands trying to find him, he would meow and be around the trees or rivers but what I saw was more shocking than I imagine, an abyys mage. You took out your sword and said to the abyys mage "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ABYYS MAGE"
"Oh if it isnt on of Lord Barbatos animal winds"

You looked at the abyys mage furiously "I didnt wish to destroy Kh'anriah (IDK IF I SPELT THAT RIGHT SORRY) it was Lord Barbatos order and I wish not to disobey him" electric vines started to grow in your eyes and sword "Oh please you wished to do it even if he didnt ordered you to do it" You were about to attack the abyys mage until something growled behind your back, it looked like a white tigger that exactly looked like Shoto. You almost dropped your sword because of the creature , it ran to the abyys mage and was gonna attack it "WAIT N-" the abyys mage was already attacked and there shield  broke right after the creature touched it.

The creature turned out to be Shoto but in a bigger form, slowly turning back to a cat and hissing at the abyys mage "before a demolish you,I give you a chance to go back"  the abyys mage was out of sight already. "S-shoto you can talk?" Your legs were weak and you fell on the ground, "Yes I certainly could but I was to lazy" licking there there paws like a royal king "o-oh then um, how did you transform into a tigger?" You said with a shaky voice "I was a mystical creature made by Lord Barbatos to send a message to you, you seemed to relaxed in your *mortal* life as Y/N so I thought it would be better to not say it yet, but as you saw just now there was an abyys mage. The abyys are getting braver and little by little starting to attack Mondstat first" the cat said while looking at you with very sharp eyes "So in conclusion the abyys is getting braver and stronger?" You said while smiling a terrified smile "*sigh* correct" Shoto said while getting up from sitting, "I should be going now,goodbye" the wind started to blow while Shoto disapears

"What a strange cat" You smiled and and got up to head back to Mondstat

•~○ TIMESKIP ○~•

You were at Master Jeans office and panting "MASTER JEAN I-" she cut you off by saying "There have been reports of abyys mages around Springvale,wolevendom and windrise, Y/N can you go check on springvale?" She asked with a *please* look "of course Master Jean" you bowed and left the office. There were indeed an abyys mage or two around springvale, Kaeya took windrise and Amber took wolevendom, Jean picked you to go to springvale and Not to panic the villagers, she knew you were fit to calm everybody down and defeating monsters.

You finished defeating the monsters and saw something on the ground,It was a note dropped by the abyys mage,you took the note to later give Lisa to help you read it cause you certainly can't speak Abyys or Kh'anrieah langeuge, you went back to the headquarters and gave the note to Lisa "hmm,there seems to be elemental tracings on the note that are leading to you" "me-me?!" You knew that since you were Barbatos most trusted ally they would first target you for revenge "Thats oddly strange,you dont seem like the person to hate people" Lisa looked at you witha SUS look "I also dont know- Ill investigate this note further then,Ms Lisa!" You took the note and left the library

Albedo POV :

I was at the Library trying to find alchemy and Lord Barbatos most trusted ally vol.2 but I couldn't resist but to over hear  the conversation between Ms.Lisa And Y/N.

A note from the abyys? I don't know seems kinda suspicious of how Y/N stuttered when Ms.Lisa said "elemental tracings leading to you" I just couldn't help but get curious.

Y/N not dangerous nor evil is what I know, but my question is. "Is he or is he not part of the 5 winds or is he just gifted?"

Eio! Sh0y0 here,I hope you liked my "secret love for you albedo x male reader" story ^^ If you do please give me ideas- my mind is very much full of maths ○v○"' anyways Sayonara~

Words : 819

𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 (Albedo x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now