Acception of a Dad ( Karl x Ethan x Reader )

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This imagine will be three chapters !

Chapter 1 of The Final Stage: Revenge

Plot - The reader prevents Karl from throwing Ethan into Sturm's location, and an argument ensues. Ethan, who wants Rose not to be used to kill Miranda, thinks Reader's plan needs to be implemented, and Heisenberg will finally get the revenge he wants.

A/N - Hi guys! Honestly, I won't be able to share that much from now on because like many people who share imagine here and on tumblr, my school starts and this is my last year so I want to prioritize my studies more. I have not forgotten the requests I received from you, they are recorded in my notebook, but I ask you to please be patient. Don't forget to vote and write your thoughts in comments while I'm away. And I want to say that the characters I write for are very precious to me and I will never stop writing for them.

If you see any grammar mistakes, please be understanding. I'm trying to improve my English by writing here and honestly, I learned English just by writing it lol. <3

Karl was the person who wanted Miranda killed the most, and infuriated by what Miranda had done to him, he didn't care what anyone said. You, who knew nothing before you came to him, understood how dangerous Karl Heisenberg was and how bad he could do if he wanted to. But there was a problem, and that was, would all his soldats be enough to beat Miranda or would he be successful with the Heisenberg soldats? Deep down you sensed that something like this couldn't be real, because Miranda seemed so scary to you since you knew her that you thought no one could beat her. But the number of people who wanted to take down Miranda went up to two, and whatever happened has since happened.

Ethan had risked everything for Rose from the start, and it didn't seem too scary after that. The experiences at the Baker house were still traumatizing for him, but he tried not to show it to Mia and her daughter, but he couldn't know that Mia wasn't actually Mia. What he had endured for his daughter, knowing that an incredible adventure awaited him when he came to the village. At first he lost Elena. Maybe he thought he'd find his daughter with her , but Elena was her father's daughter, and when he was the only one in her family, she had to take shelter in him, and Elena didn't know what to do when she was bitten.
She met Ethan, but how much could she trust Ethan? Ethan was just a father looking for his daughter and Elena could help him without getting in danger, but when Elena died too, Ethan had only one hope left, and that was to take care of the castle.
The Dimitrescu Castle.

After a long struggle and defeating Dimitrescu, he met you next to Duke. You knew what was going on and you were willing to help him. Knowing Heisenberg's plan, you started looking for Ethan and his daughter, and soon you reached the factory at Heisenberg's call. Perhaps the most relaxing place in the village is not for everyone, but for you, Heisenberg's factory was. Rumors were circulating, of course, that Heisenberg was the most dangerous man, the Lord, but it would be unfair to simply call him dangerous. He was also a very intelligent man and had an intelligence that could amaze anyone. In short, Heisenberg was a great man for you, and no one could beat him. There was one exception, of course, and that was Ethan. When you first saw Ethan, you didn't even realize that you were so impressed with him, but then once you grasped his personality, you realized that you felt something different about him. That would be an insult to Heisenberg, so you didn't care too much about your feelings, and you and Ethan continued the search for your daughter. When you arrived at the entrance to the Factory, Heisenberg told Ethan comforting things to let you in, and you said the factory was halfway dangreous. Ethan seemed a little more relieved when you said it wasn't dangerous.

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