Chapter 20: Nothing But Trouble.

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April 26th, 1989

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April 26th, 1989. 11:38 A.M.

I twisted the doorknob, and shuddered at the thought of having to face Darry as I entered the house. Soda was on his feet the instant I walked in, "You look like hell." he whispered, hoping it would help me from what I was about to walk into.

I looked down at my pants, they were completely covered in hardened mud. I even felt my frazzled hair. I hear movement from the kitchen, and that's when he comes out. Darry had heard me come in. I could tell by his appearance that he was beyond angry at this point.

He slides a chair out from under the kitchen table, "Sit." he tells me. I did as he told me for once, feeling small as he stood near me, then took a seat on the other side.  He stared at me, as if he wanted me to explain myself, but I knew well enough that it was a trap. He was far more disappointed than mad, I could tell because he hadn't yelled yet.

He clears his throat, "I don't want to have to do this, but you're leaving me no choice. If you don't shape up, you can't live here anymore." he said, almost like he had been rehearsing it. It came so cleanly off his tongue.

I fight back tears, "Darry..." my voice croaked. He won't let me talk my way out of this. It was his decision, and for once I was going to do as I was told. 

"I'm serious, Jade. You know I love you, but if you don't at least make an effort then I won't hesitate to send you upstate to your aunts house... Now, she's been in contact with me, and she agreed to take you."

"I can't believe this!" I argued, "So, you're giving up on me!?"

Molten rage rolls through him, he smacks the table, causing me to back down, "I'm not giving up on you! If any of my brothers did this then they would be in the same boat!"

I sink in the seat. There were no winners or losers in this. I wasn't holding up my end of the relationship. I wasn't respecting the man I loved the most. I wasn't being myself. Darry cooled down. He sighed, settling on, "Grounded. One month."

April 28th, 1989. 3:49 P.M.

Brian met me after school on Monday, I sat in the backseat of his car whilst he was in the driver's seat, licking hand rolled cigarettes. I was grounded so that meant I was expected home straight after school, so had to make this quick.

"You don't smoke." I noted, surprised to see him with them.

"Not for me." he mouthed, sliding his tongue over the paper.

"For daddy?" I wondered, jokingly.

"Dad-dy, what?" 

"You know... how you and Dally act like a married couple." I grinned.

"First I'm hearing of this.... What did you want to meet for?" he asked as if I was wasting his precious time. I passed over the envelope of cash and another with leftover half ounces, all unsold from this week.

Brian takes one look and feels the weight of the envelope, "Not having much luck?"

I had been having trouble moving supply lately, as the usual customers had another source, "The high school market is flushed out." I admitted, "I think someone else is selling, did you know about that?"

He grimaces in offence, "Did I know that? Pfft... I know everything that goes on in this town."

I leaned an arm over the back of his seat, and hugged him in an attempt to schmooze him up a bit before breaking the ice, "I need a break."

Brian flicked my arm off, "You can't just have a break, Jade. It's not the way this business works." he hissed at me.

I fell back onto the seat, "C'mon Brian. You know how Darry is. I'll be sent upstate if I don't start behaving myself." I sighed thinking of my pending future. 

"You're putting me in the tough place, Jade." he grumbled, mentally going over how he is going to cover the work I would be missing, "How long do you need?"

"About a month. I'll try to get it down, but you don't understand how serious he is over all this."

Brian accepted as a one time offer and present to myself. As I left the car, I felt a wave of relief  that I didn't have to worry about work for an entire month... All I had to worry about was making Darry happy with me again. 

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