Chapter 2: A decade back.

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March 9th, 1989

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March 9th, 1989. 4:59 P.M.

All I ever wanted was to make it on my own. For myself to be able to make my own way - you know, my own money. When the opportunity surfaced I grabbed it by both horns, that was the kind of kid I was at seventeen.

I didn't just barge into their business, I was forced to wedge myself between the front door and the frame, begging to be a part of it all. "Please. Please. Please." I would whine, using those puppy eyes that never ever worked on him.

I managed to capitulate myself into a position where he couldn't jam the door shut on me. Dallas gave in and let go. I strutted inside like I had won some sort of prize.

Brian and Dallas were roommates, the two of them rented a lousy little house with two bedrooms. It was enough for them to do business from at least. The place was caked in the thick stench of tobacco. Their junk extended all over the coffee table. It wasn't only that, the entire place was a mess.

Dallas plopped down on the couch. He kicked his feet onto the coffee table, "Darry's gonna' kill us." he informed me in a matter of fact tone. Dallas was often jaded by nature. He sure did have his moments, but they were too few and far between.

"He doesn't need to know." I assured him. This line of work would get me suspended from a tree with a rope around my neck from Darry, most definitely. He couldn't know.

"Yeah right. He doesn't need to know and you'd better keep it from him or else." he hacked, raising one of those hand rolled cigarettes to his mouth. He flicked the match to it, and puffed a good chunk of smoke at me.

I knew he was playing, he always played mean. "Or else what?" I asked with a smug expression, that was my first mistake.

"Hey!" he pointed at me. "I ain't playing with you." he threatened. Dallas bounced to his feet and adjusted his belt. He then walked into the kitchen.

I followed behind him."C'mon Dal. What's the matter with you?" I asked, thrusting myself onto the counter top. He shuffled around in search of something, possibly to distract himself from the question at hand.

Brian chimes in from the bathroom, "He's all bent out of shape over Lynn." he said. Lynn was Dally's long time girlfriend who gave him the third degree every few weeks or so. I didn't like her at all.

Dallas huffed, then grabbed a jacket from the rack and fled outside. Without another word that was the classic sign that he didn't want to speak about it, also the time when you backed off for real. "I guess I am hired."

Back then we were fresh faced idiots. Dallas and Brian were both twenty one and I was seventeen. The other two members of the crew were brothers Tim and Curly Shepard, who were twenty two and eighteen.

I found the prospects of the job exhilarating. I got bored quite easily and needed to make some money. I just couldn't wait to start. 

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