6 - To The Skies

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The two siblings flew as quick as they could to the expo. Tony had arrived first, landing with a thud in front of Rhodey on the stage. Amelia landed gracefully beside him, her wings flaring as she touched down. The audience cheered loudly for them both as they put on an act, waving to the public. Neither of them was smiling behind their masks though.

"What are you doing?" Rhodey asked, Amelia approaching him first. She stood at his side while Tony took his place on the other.

"We got trouble," Tony told him, still waving to the audience.

"Tony, there are civilians present. I'm here on orders. Let's not do this right now."

"Give them a wave."

"All these people are in danger," Rhodey," Amelia warned him.

"We gotta get them out of here. You gotta trust us for the next five minutes," Tony said.

"Yeah, I tried that. I got tossed around your house, remember?"

"If you don't trust him, then trust me," she reasoned with the man as Tony moved to approached Justin at the front of the stage. "We think he's working with Vanko.

"Vanko's alive?"

"Yeah," she confirmed and moved to stand in front of him. "Look, you can't trust him-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Rhodey cut her off. "Amelia, move."

"Is that you?" Tony asked him as Rhodey's gun pointed directly at his sister. He pulled her back.

"No, I'm not doing that. That's not me. I can't move. I'm locked up. I'm locked up!"

"To the skies, Tony," Amelia whispered through their comms. The drones surrounding them began to take aim.

"Get out of here. Go!" Rhodey yelled. "This whole system's been compromised."

"Yeah," Tony confirmed, lifting himself from the ground. Amelia flared her wings. "Let's take this outside."

Bullets fired all around them at Tony and Amelia flew upwards. Half of the drones, as well as Rhodey's suit, soon followed after them. Amelia flew in circles trying to lose the ones that were on her, but they continued to follow and shot with precision.

"Blast one of them, Tony!" she shouted. "I need an extra boost!"

Tony shot one of the drones following her as he flew past in the opposite direction. It exploded in midair and Amelia absorbed the impact and flames. Its metal corpse fell to the ground. She felt full of power. "Thank you!"

With the added power, she had no trouble sending large blasts of fire at her assailants. She managed to catch up to one of the ones after Tony, latching onto its back and melting the metal around its eyes. The bot lost its sense of direction and flew right into another. Amelia absorbed that explosion too.

"Tony!" she heard Rhodey say over the comms. Tony, I'm locked on. I have target lock."

"On what?"

"On you!" Amelia cried as she spotted Rhodey following them both, but specifically aiming for him. "JARVIS, release Hades."

"Releasing Hades," JARVIS spoke in her suit. "Arriving in two minutes."

"What the hell is Hades?" Rhodey asked.

"You'll see," Tony told him, an unseen smile gracing his face as his sister's newest secret project made its way towards them, flying all the way from their workshop back in Malibu.

Amelia continued to dodge hits from the drones following her until, finally, she spotted Hades approaching. Amelia used the interface of her suit to lock onto her targets. Hades split into five sections that then attached themselves to the drones. Amelia held out her arms and took a deep breath, bringing forth her pyrokinetic abilities. She clicked both of her fingers and the small devices ignited, causing the drones to go up in flames.

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