6 - Friend vs Friend

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The quinjet landed in the snowy mountains of Siberia. Bucky grabbed himself a gun from Natasha's collection while Steve had his shield on his back and Amelia had her fire raring to go, as always.

Quietly, she had received a ping on her bracelet, FRIDAY informing her that Tony was on his way. He was coming as a friend, and he had made sure to add to the message that he wasn't mad at his sister. Amelia had been right after all: Bucky was innocent. It didn't right all the wrongs and it didn't ease her guilt but it meant that what they were doing wasn't for nothing.

Amelia stood in silence behind the two men as they reminisced on their past. It was nice to see Bucky look a little more human, but she didn't much care for the conversation. It was their business. The only business she had left was killing the guy who started the Avengers on this path. She would be sure to make him suffer for it.

The entrance to the HYDRA facility was old, its age apparent by the rusted metal door. It had been forced open, indicating their faux psychiatrist was already inside: Helmut Zemo, FRIDAY had informed her.

"He can't have been here more than a few hours," Steve pointed out as they stood outside, readying themselves to enter. Bucky sighed heavily.

"Long enough to wake them up."

Amelia entered first, her rage pushing her forward. Whoever this Zemo man was, he had a death wish if he thought he could get away with this. As the elevator took them deeper and deeper underground, Amelia's powers flared until her veins and eyes were once more alight. By the looks on their faces, the two men standing with her might have actually been a little scared. They were far more cautious than her, Bucky pointing his gun round every corner and Steve keeping his shield raised. Meanwhile, she stormed through the facility with no regard for anything other than beating a motherfucker up.

Suddenly, a loud clanging sounded behind them. Someone else was descending the elevator. While the team men raised their weapons, Amelia simply stood in the middle of the corridor and waited, already knowing who it was. Tony pried open the doors, now clad in his suit. After he retracted his helmet, she didn't hesitate to wrap him in a hug that he returned with full force.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"It's ok," he reassured. "You were right, Ames. But thanks for fighting with me."

"Is Rhodey ok?" she asked.

"He will be," he replied with a tight-lipped smile. He then looked over her shoulder to address the other two men. "You seem a little defensive."

"It's been a long day," Steve stated, approaching but keeping his shield held high.

"At ease, Soldier," Tony mocked. "I'm not currently after you."

"Then why are you here?"

"Could be your story's not so crazy," Tony answered. "That Ames did what I should've. Maybe. Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself."

"Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork," Steve joked. "It's good to see you, Tony."

"You too, Cap," he replied. He motioned to Bucky stood a little ways away, his gun still raised. "Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop..."

Tony motioned once more with his hand and Bucky finally relaxed his grip. The four of them continued through the facility, Tony and Amelia in front of the two supersoldiers.

"I got heat signatures," Tony eventually announced.

"How many?" Steve asked.

"Uh, one."

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