5 - The Fire/Thunder Duo

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Amelia was out for less than a minute. Still, that was enough time for chaos to ensue. As she pushed the fallen pipe off of herself. She took notice of Banner growling, hunched over as he tried to fight off transforming into the Hulk. A few feet away from him, Natasha was struggling to get her leg out from under a heavy pipe.

"Shit," Amelia breathed out. She activated her suit and quickly made her way over to Natasha. She tried to call out to her brother over the comms of her suit. "Tony? You ok?"

"I'm good, sis," he replied while Amelia lifted the pipe and Natasha crawled away. "Are you?"

She turned around just as Bruce began to turn green, no longer able to control it. She pushed Natasha down from the platform they had landed in. "Hulk situation. We'll deal with it," she told him.

"Ok," he said, trusting his sister. "Please don't die."

"I'll try not to."

Amelia ran up some stairs with Natasha as the Hulk began to attack them. She ignited her wings so that she could half-climb, half-fly after Nat easier, who was swinging between railings in typical spy fashion. They ended up in a tighter place, hidden from the Hulk amongst pipes and machinery that helped the ship operate. It was bad positioning with a big, angry beast capable of mass destruction after them. Then again, she was as well.

The stomp of his large feet made Natasha flinch. After dealing with the loud clangs of metal suits for so long, both friend and foe, Amelia she was mostly unphased. She motioned with her hand for Natasha to pull out her gun, which she did. The Stark moved first, not yet conjuring her fire in fear of alerting the beast. However, it didn't take long for the Hulk to be screaming in their faces. This time, she did flinch.

Natasha shot the pipe above him and a thick gas leaked out, blocking his sight of them temporarily. When she turned to run, Amelia picked her up by the waist and flew them both away instead. As the walkway thinned, Amelia's wings burned through the walls. She kept pushing forward. The Hulk was not far behind, destroying whatever she hadn't. As he caught up, he backhanded them both into a wall.

Amelia conjured a shield of fire over the two of them, unsure if it would even be strong enough to block his punches. Fortunately, Thor had shown up at the perfect time. He rammed into Hulk and pushed him through several walls into another large warehouse space. The Stark gave Natasha a quick look, the woman clearly not up for continuing the fight as she shook like a leaf. She let her stay where she was and followed after the god and green beast.

The Hulk and Thor were circling each other when she arrived. She didn't give either of them a chance to get a hit in as she conjured a thin rope of fire and whipped it around Hulk's wrist. She would have to apologise to Bruce later if the burns transferred to his human self. She pulled him towards her, allowing herself to jump onto his back and restrain him by the neck with the same rope. The Hulk roared in pain and became less focused on the man in front of him. It gave Thor a little bit of an easier target as he began throwing his punches.

"We are not your enemies, Banner!" he tried to reason with the Hulk, pushing back against the green fist that was aiming for his face. "Try to think!"

The Hulk roared once more and punched Thor away, sending him crashing through several crates. He ripped Amelia from his back, chucking her in the same direction. She landed on top of the god with a thud.

"Sorry," she groaned and rolled off. Thor put his finger to his lip and then looked at his hand. "What?"

"He made me bleed," he said, almost shocked at the fact.

"So?" she questioned. Thor looked at her as they both stood up. "He's the damn Hulk. Against him, you're just as human as the rest of us. Get over it."

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