2 - Brothers

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Amelia was nervous to be back on Earth, to be on the same planet as her brother and her friends again. She hoped they were doing fine. She wanted desperately to call her brother or do something to let him know that she was ok, but her bracelet was dead and they didn't really have time to get to a payphone. She was there for Thor.

Odin wasn't where Loki had left him. Shady Acres Care Home had been demolished. It was kind of funny watching the two gods simply stare at the ruins of the building. They were both so serious at that moment, so she thought it best not to laugh. It was their father after all.

"I swear I left him right here," Loki said.

"Right here on the sidewalk, or right there where the building is being demolished?" Thor questioned. "Great planning."

"How was I supposed to know?" he retorted. I can't see into the future. I'm not a witch."

"No? Then why do you dress like one?" Amelia asked. She was so proud of herself that she had offended a literal god when he turned to look at her pointedly.


"I can't believe you're alive," Thor scoffed. "I saw you die. I mourned you, I cried for you."

"I'm honoured," Loki mocked.

"Hi, would you mind taking a picture with us?" a girl asked Thor. The god gave her a smile. Loki rolled his eyes. Thankfully, they hadn't recognised Amelia behind her sunglasses and tied back hair.

"Sure," Thor agreed and moved to pose. He turned to his brother quickly. "Start figuring out where he is."

"Sorry to hear that Jane dumped you," the girl said before walking off. Loki patted his brother on the shoulder.

"She didn't dump me, you know," Thor told the two. Amelia gave him a tightlipped smile and a nod. "I dumped her. It was a mutual dumping."

Suddenly, a sparking circle appeared beneath Loki.

"What's this? What are you doing?" Thor asked, turned to Amelia. "It's orange. Is this your power?"

"This isn't me," she answered just as Loki dropped down through a portal of some kind. A small card was left in his place. Thor tapped it with Mjolnir disguised as an umbrella.

"Loki," he whispered. Amelia chuckled and picked it up.

"177a Bleecker Street," she read. "Let's go find out what the hell your brother got himself into."

The address on the card was a grand looking house

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The address on the card was a grand looking house. Thor had knocked thrice and suddenly the two were teleported indoors. The interior was even nicer. They stood at the top of a large staircase and above it was a beautiful circular window. Amelia's eyes were transfixed on the man floating in front of it.

"Thor Odinson, God of Thunder," his voice boomed. "And the wanted Amelia Stark."

"I'm guessing I'm still a criminal then," she sighed.

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