Introduction - Who Is Sophia Evans ?

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My name is Sophia Evans, I am 16 years old, that's right im in high school. I go to RichBerry High along with my bff Madison Davis. She has been my bff for the longest time, we met in 1st grade, when we were partners for some lame science project for the science fair. Which we won by the way.

But that was probably because the judges felt bad for us because we were like 6 years old. Okay i'm getting of topic sorry. Anyways I was part of a rich family, until my 13th birthday party. That was the day that they broke up (my parents), you'd think because I was older that I wouldn't be crying about that sort of thing but no I cried alot, like for a whole day. Here's the story ,so the party started and I dont even know how it happened but they broke up but they promised they wouldn't tell me because they didn't want me to be sad on my birthday , so later that night they had an argument about which one of them was going to keep me. After all my mother kept me and my father kept all of the money, which isnt fair, but it shows how much he really loved me (but i know that you dont really care) But dont worry I will be done with my personal life story that you dont want to hear soon.

Actually I know what will make this easier (list time!!!!!!!)

1) Im a vegetarian

2) I love horror movies + American Horror Story

3) I write in cursive all the time

4) I love math and science

5) I hate pasta (like that matters)

6) I have a dog called Fiona Goode

7) I want to be a vet

7) I live in California with my mother

8) My favorite singer is Alanis Morissette

9) My Favorite song of all time is Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran but I also love How To Get The Girl by Taylor Swift

10) I like older music

11) I am an only child

12) My favorite number is 13 (not only because it's Taylor Swift's favorite number) but I love it because it was my soccer number

13) I used to play soccer

I think thats enough

Anyways Something I have tell you is that I write a journal / diary or whatever they're called, its where I write my thoughts down and about my day. If anyone ever read it I would cry.

Theres no space on this page move along ( I turned the page of my diary, so you could read it)

Dear Sophia Evans,

I had the worst day today. It call started when I got to school ( I was wearing jeans, a blue and white short sleeved shirt with the number 13 on it and black hightops). I was walking to my first class and I bumped into Angelina Karli ( the most devinair person ever) and it was totally embarrassing. Then I headed off to math class and it was actually not that bad, well thats because i enjoy math you know because im good at it .

Then I went to woodshop which was terrible because we were suppose to be making clocks and I didnt even have a partner and the bad thing about woodshop was that I accidentally stabbed my hand, so my teacher told me to go to the nurse.

So then I walked to the nurses office but she was really busy so I just played mindcraft on my phone because I love mindcraft. Finally when the nurse was done with me, I walked to the cafeteria which was super embarrassing because I have a huge cast on my arm.

So I sat down with Madison and she asked me if my arm was okay. I love Madison so much she is so kind and awesome. Then I walked to my third class which was gym. We were playing tennis but there were no more rackets and I couldn't play with a cast on my arm so I sat out. I decided that I was going to play mindcraft again because I was almost done making the castle that I started making in the nurses office.

I like survival mode in mindcraft better because it lets you make a house and then you get to chase after the monsters until they try to hunt you down, but it's bad when you actually do get caught and you feel bad because you've spent a long time making that house and now your dead.After gym was over everyone got a 5 minute break, so I decided to go to my locker because it was close to my next class which was history. Anyways, I had just gotten my books out of locker and i had just closed it so that I could start heading to class, but right after that I saw the face of Cristine Perkins (me and Madison were the only people that called her that everybody else called her Chris Perkins) Christine was even more popular than Angelina.

Today she was wearing a white shirt with a tie and a short black skirt and black flats like she usally does. She was so classy,beautiful and amazing,she was everything. But there was one thing that she wasn't, which is Nice. I haven't known her for along time but I think I know way too much about her already. Anyways she closed her locker which was right next to mine and said "Hey Soph" (I hate it that she calls me Soph, it makes me sound like im in grade 9).Anyways so then I said "Hi Christine " she responded after me saying "Hey,Soph don't call me that my name is Chris okay".

I said okay (even though i'm never calling her that) and then she started going on about how my outfit looked super bad and not in a good way and i was thinking inside okay if you hate my outfit so much stop talking about it and walk away please.So after she was done talking, her boyfriend (Who is a nerd , so I dont know why they are together) walked by to come and talk to her he said "hey sweetie, what's up?"she responded "Nothing much babe, we should hang out at your house tonight , that would be awesome" he responded "ya I guess so, see you tonight then". Then he left and Christine gave me a mean glare as she started speaking and said "What the heck are you doing!,stop looking at my boyfriend, what's going on? do you like him ?".

I then responded "No, of corse not, you two are perfect for eachother why would I bother" (but okay fine I did like him, I have liked him for the longest time). I mean he is just so smart ( a straight A student) and all of that stuff. We were so right for eachother but he was too perfect. But just like Christine he had a flaw, he is blind to real love.

After that Christine had finally walked away with her group of friends. And it was time for history class. During history absolutely nothing happened, I just learned about history like every other day, it was nothing for me to get excited about. So after that school was over so I walked with Madison to the library for the math test we had tomorrow.

When we got to the library I pulled out a chair from the computers and opened my books to start studying and Madison did the same. After 30 minutes of studying hard,Madison pointed something out to me it was a book called "How To Make Him Want You" I pulled it out to look at faking that I cared and said "i wonder how much this costs ?" trying to distract Madison because she doesn't know about my little crush.

So as another distraction I told her to stop dreaming because we are never going to date, we might as well date eachother.

As I was putting the book back I turned to corner and I saw him. Oh my gosh, he is suppose to be with Christine. What the heck is he doing here, You'll never guess what happened next !!!!!!!

Sleep Well

Love Always,

-Sophia Evans

By the way the video above is "How You Get The Girl" by Taylor Swift just in case you wanted to know how it sounds

Sorry I know that the chapter is super long.But that's just because it's the introduction.

Thanks for reading Everyone

It really means alot

You are awesome and beautiful


Thank you so much this is my first real story and im very glad to have you reading it

I love all of you, you are the kindest people on earth

- love always from ChloeGraceMoretzFan

This story has been Co-Written by WanderNorth and ChloeGraceMoretzFan

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