Chapter 2 - What Happens At The Library Stays At The Library

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Dear Sophia,

Starting off where I left off last time,

Shamelessly staring at him, I scooted a bit forward to get a better view. Bad idea. My shoulder clipped on the edge of one of the many book aisles, shaking it. A few thick, long spines encyclopedias dropped loudly on the floor.

Alec turned towards me and smiled. I wanted right then and there to sink into the floor. Did he know I was basically library stalking him? "Hey, Sophia, right?"

I internally squealed. He was actually talking to me! Even after the long period of time, I'm pretty amazed at how large my crush was towards him. My past puppy loves faded after a few weeks, two tops.

"Yeah, but you can call me Soph. Or Sophia, whatever you want! My mom calls me Soph, but it really doesn't matter..." I rambled. Mentally face-palming, I blushed a deep crimson. He smiled, pushing up his black framed glasses.

It was more of a cute motion then nerdy. Imagine Dylan 'O Brian in specs. Now double the hotness. That was Alec Flynn.

"I like the name Sophia. And hey, what happened to your arm?" He motioned to the stubborn cast. I bit my lip, "Accident. I'm a bit clumsy."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Can I sign it?"

Did he even need to ask? It was basically an autograph.

"Sure! Erm, I have a pen..." Looking around, a head filled with golden hair faced me. Madison grinned, wiggling her eyebrows. "I believed you asked for a writing utensil?" In her hand was a blue sharpie and a polka dotted messenger bag. "I was going to tell you that my dad called, and I'm in trouble for some stupid thing. 'Bout to offer to walk you home, but it looks like you're a bit busy here."

"Just chatting with a..."

"Friend." That one word made me grin. Madison handed over the sharpie, and leaned in for a hug. She whispered in my ear, "I expect a FULL explanation tonight. Be safe, I'll see you tomorrow at school."

I briskly nodded. "You too!"


"You're in my math class, right?"

Alec and I have been talking for two hours now, going over random things. He was waiting for Christine to get back from the mall, deciding to hang out at the library.

"Yeah. I was here to study for the test with Madison, but then she had to go."

"Yeah I know, I was there," he teased.


Alec had his hands clasped in front of him. He leaned forward when talking to me, a scent of mint and hairspray wafted towards me. Was this actually happening? I was talking to the boy I've liked for years, finally, and alone too!

"Um, excuse me? Al, what are you doing, talking to her?"

Oops, not alone. I shouldn't have jinxed it.

Christine stood, her arms folded together. One perfectly arched eyebrow was raised, and she tapped her feet against the tiled floor. "Hey baby. I was waiting for you, and Sophia here just happened to knock down some books. Conversation worthy, right?" He stood up, kissing her cheek. A pang of envy hit me, followed by waves of self pity and sadness.

Reality hit me right then and there. I was just a girl who had a crush on a boy who's heart was already taken.

"Sure sweetie. Wait for me outside, I have to talk to Soph here about a project."


"It won't take long, just a few questions and nice chatter chatter."


He nodded and held out his hand towards me. Christine's eyes bugged out, glaringly. I shook it, shakingly. "It was great to actually talk to you. I'll see you in math class!"

He picked up his backpack from a corner, and made his way towards the front of the door. Christine pulled a chair out, and sat down.

"What the freak do you think you're doing, siting with my boyfriend and talking to him? He doesn't hang out with losers like you, what do you think you're trying to achieve here? I know you like him, but sweetheart, wake up and realize that people like us, don't mix with people like you."

Her words stung, and she knew it did. A triumphant smirk was settled on her face. "I-I was just talking to him. Why are you so rude and uptight? You always assume. Don't you trust your own boyfriend? If he actually liked you, you should wake up and realize that he isn't going to cheat on you with some," I paused, "loser."

She was shocked I answered back.

"Listen, nerd, I'm going to give you a chance to apologize. If not, I'm going to make your life a living hell."

What happened next was surprising....

Anyways, I'll continue this tomorrow, it's dark and like I said, math test! Sleep well,

Love Always,

- Sophia Evans


Heyo there guys! This is the co-author, @WanderNorth , writing this totally overdue chapter. I apologize that this was so short, but it'll progress to be longer overtime! I wanted to expand my writing skills a bit, to shake the writer's block that's stopping me from updating my own story, heh.

Thanks for reading! I'm so excited to write this for you guys! You're all amazing readers, keep on reading!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

~ Arabella Q.

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