Chapter 6 - Friday The 13th

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Dear Sophia Evans,

Why do I feel like nothing ever goes my way. Maybe because nothing ever
ever does.

I have lost everything. My best friend and my crush to Christine Perkins

And for some odd reason I cant get over it.

I went to sleep and tried to sleep off my terrible life,wishing that when I woke up that I would have a new one.

The next day I woke up and there I was stuck in the same life. The life of Sophia Evans, weird know it all girl who everyone ecnored and hated.

I have never felt this terrible in my life ever.

I lifted my head from my pillow to look outside the window and it was raining. But I wasn't going to let my anger or the rain bother me today.

I put my two feet on the floor and walked up to my mirror ,looked into it and wispered to myself "Oh,Sophia why are you such a mess up"

Then I heard a blast on noice coming from my phone , It wouldn't stop playing thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran , which is my reminder alarm clock ringtone

And it reminded me I am going to be late for school if I don't hurry up and get to school.

I ran to my closet and opened every drawer ,revealing lots of pants and shirts. I grabbed my Texas chainsaw T-shirt and a pair of black jeans , then I headed to the washroom and brushed my hair and left it down.

After fixing my hair I hurried down the stairs and took my bag from my room.

I was headed halfway out the door, when I forgot that I needed to eat breakfast so I quickly marched back inside and took out an apple from the basket on the table.

I walked out the door and ate the apple while I walked to school

Walking to school helped me stay happy , looking at all the nice people who walked by me as I walked by them , and the nature and the chirpping birds.

After 30 minutes I finally arrived at school , today there was going to be soccer try outs, which reminded me I wonder if Maddison will be there.

Anyways so had to make it to my first class , I was almost late but I got there before the bell rang.

As I entered the room , I was sad intill I saw Alec. I haven't seen him in forever. He has been away for 2 weeks because his family took at trip to Florida.

And now he's back which makes me happy.

Seeing him made me want class to be over soon , so that I could talk to him.

Class had started and we were learning about equations but they harder than usual, nothing like we had ever done before and dreaming about Alec for the whole class wasnt gonna help me learn everything.

So I decided to pay attention and it was actually very easy.

After an hour passed math class was over and I wanted to talk to Alec before he left the class to go hangout with Christine

But I was too late Alec had already left the class

And before I knew it when I left the class Alec was probably going to be with Christine.

But luckily he wasn't so I rushed over to talk to him

I walked over and said "Hi Alec,what did you think of today's math lesson?" "Pretty good actually, very easy, I guess" he said

"Oh, Okay well ,that's great then" I wispered

"I like your T-shirt,The Texas chainsaw is an amazing movie , I didn't know you liked that sort of stuff" Alec said , which surprised me alot

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