Chapter 4 - Like It Never Happened

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Dear Sophia Evans,

Hi, Im back and with the worst news. So here's how it happened.

I woke up this moring and walked to the bathroom and looked into the mirror, all I saw was some ugly brunette with a pale boring face. I cant belive how ugly I am. No wonder everyone hates me. I looked around for my mothers make-up bag and finally I found it. Awesome. I reached in the bag and took out an eyeliner pen. 

I started puting the eyeliner on my eye and it looked so terrible. I have never worn any kind of make-up before. This wasnt going to end well. So i left the bathroom and walked into my room and started to get dressed and no i wasnt thinking about changing up my style that would be silly I would never do that.

I put on a blue t - shirt,black jeans and my favorite black sneakers and i went down stairs and had some froot loops then i left to walk to school

It was super rainy outside so it took me longer but I managed to get to my first class on time. I love you math. You are so easy. If only being good at math was considered cool, I would be the most popular girl at school. It doesnt matter anyways no one is ever going to like me.

I walked into my math class and everyone started at me as i sat down but then looked away. What is everyone's problem today. Anyways math was super fun (in my opinion) that's why I never had any math homework , because i was always done everything before class ended. 

When class was over something awesome happened it was Alec he came over to me after class and said " Hey Sophia are you wearing make-up". I was so happy that I said " Yes, it's just eyeliner but i guess that means i wearing make-up doesnt it ". 

And then Christine walked by and said " Oh My Gosh Soph ,What happened to your eye? did you someone finally decide to punch you in the face. I responded with a "No comment" and she was like " Hey loser i'm talking to you , what's wrong are you shy or something or is my boyfirend talking to you for once making you nervous".

What !!!!! My life was over. They were still together. I  thought that they broke up. I feel so embaressed. Why do I even try. Alec will never want to be with me. I am so clueless.

So I walked of before I could start crying in front of them. I ran to the washroom and stayed there for the rest of the five minutes that I had left to get to my other class

And guess what I was late for my next class.

Then nothing happened for the rest of the day. 

Just at the end of the day when I  was walking to History class with Madison and she said "Hey are you wearing Make-up " and i said " yes".

Which made her say "why did you talk to Alec? Are you going on a date tonight"

Sadly I said no and enetered the history class. 

Anyways nothing really happened un till late that night when i pulled out my laptop and then i got a call from Madison saying that i needed to look at this website that she had found . 

I went on google and typed in what she told me to type in which was 

I waited for the website to load I was getting nervous what could Madison have possibly wanted to show me that I  already didn't know about.

The page loaded with the headline We Hate You Sophia Evans

Oh great a hate website dedicated to me. 

School tommorow was going to be rough.

Sleep well

love always, 

- Sophia Evans


Hi everyone It's ChloeGraceMoretzFan. I hope you enjoyed chapter 4 and I know that it was a pretty bad chapter. I have no ideas. Anyways thank you for reading it. It really means alot to me and I hope that you all had an awesome day today.

But I do have two announcements

1. I will be renaming this story to " In Love With Danger". It will also have a new cover 

2. I am curently writing a ' How To Train Your Dragon' story and i am really excited to write it. Because I know that alot of you like Httyd and I wanted to see what I could do. I am also looking for a title. So If you have any ideas please let me know

Im sorry for the bad update. I hope that you all have an awesome week.


have a safe and wonderful night/day

- ChloeGraceMoretz1Fan

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