Chapter 3 - When One Second,Feels Like Forever

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Dear Sophia,

I'm back again.And Wow, was today a handful.Why does my life stinks so badly? Anyways as I was saying what happened in next really was a suprize,but i'm not quite ready to share it yet.Let me continue from me leaving the library.

So I left the library at 5:00 because I had to get home for dinner, I decided to call Madison to fill her in on all of the details of my conversation with Alec.As I dialed (speed dialed) Madison I got a call from my father. He said that I have to go to his house next week, which is terrible because now I cant have a sleepover with Madison like ive been wanting to for the past month to do.We haven't had a sleepover in like forever because Madison is always busy with Soccer and Volleyball practice. She is very athletic.Unlike me.

As soon has I hung up on my father. I called Madison

She picked up the phone

"Hey Sophia",So how did it go"

"It went Okay,  Until Christine came over, and ended any possible chance of us ever talking again. I mean cant he tell that she is a mean person. "

" Well apparently not, Sorry Sophia,It will go better tomorrow,Hey why dont you try talking to him in math class. I mean that is like the only place that you two can be alone with no Christine.

"Your right but I cant talk to him at school, I might get in trouble if I talk to him in class,And i've never gotten in trouble before".

"Okay,  do what you want hun, just know that I'm always looking out for you.See ya tomorrow Bye.

Then I hung up and drank some tea while watching the season finale of American Horror Story. I changed into my pjs with Teddy bears on them and sat on my bed and grabbed my laptop from my bag and started watching until I fell asleep.

In the morning, I woke up with my laptop on my stomach. I ran down the stairs and sat at the table waiting for my mother to cook me some eggs and pancakes. I turned on my phone.No notifications."What I thought ,Madison was suppose to text me to tell me when her mother was going to pick us up after school".

Oh, well I guess I can take the bus. Thats how im gonna get to school anyways.

Oh no, The Bus. I completely forgot about the bus , im going to be late.Ive gotta get dressed fast

I quickly but carefully, put on a white t-shirt, some jeans and my favorite black hightops and then I left for school.

When I arrived at school

I walked to Math class, but first I bought a muffin from the cafeteria.

Anyways as soon as I walked in I sat down. Today we were learning about how to graph quadratic equation's which was super fun and easy. I am very good at it,but alot of people in my class aren't.

Alec and I are are the best at it, but Christine told Alec not to tell anyone else that he was good at math because then they would think he was a loser. But he isnt a loser. I dont think he's a loser.

Anyways something awesome happened as soon as I was walking out of math class. Someone had tapped me on the shoulder

It was Alec and he actually spoke to me.

He said " Hey Sophia, Nice talk at the library the other day. So sorry I had to leave.It was kind of important.

I wanted to say "Oh, thats okay I understand.Maybe we can talk some other time"

But what I actually said was nothing. I mean like nothing was coming out of my mouth. My crush was standing in front of me and talking to me,and I said nothing back. Im so annoying sometimes.

But wait Christine was coming and she didn't look happy

She walked up to Alec and me with that mean girl prep strut, that looked incredibly stupi* to me. She looked really mad.

She walked up to us and whispered to Alec " Hey babe can I talk to you in private please".

He said "Yeah,Of corse just give me a minute."

She replied "Okay babe i'm waiting"

Alec walked away after saying bye to me and quickly ran off to catch up with Christine.

Why does she always have to ruin everything.

So during my five minute break between classes I decided to follow Christine and Alec to hear what she was going go say to him.

I walked up to them, I was 15. meters away hiding behind a wall so odviously they wouldn't see me

They started talking, But all I could hear was Christine yelling at Alec because he was talking to me.

Oh no what was I hearing.She was mad at him and I mean like really mad.

Was I actually seeing this.Were they breaking up


I had to call Madison. She had to know. Maybe this was my chance. Maybe I was finally going to get what I want.

Maybe life was finally going to go my way.

It's so dark now and im so tired

I needed to watch the end of American Horror Story because I fell asleep before it was over last night.

And I couldn't sleep with all the excitement going around in my head.

Maybe I was going to have enough conference tomorrow to talk to Alec

life is awesome.

Sleep well,

- Sophia Evans

Hi, everyone I hope that you enjoyed that chapter. Sorry that it is so short, Im writing and watching "Big Hero 6"at the same time and its very difficult. Anyways Thank you so much for reading this story me and @WanderNorth are very happy to have such nice and amazing people reading our story.

There will be an update every week or maybe two updates a week but this one is a double update because I was just so happy to get another chapter out there!

Thanks so much and Please Comment we would love to hear your feed back

So Have an awesome day or night (depending on where you are) and love yourself

I love you all :)

- love always


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