it's for Gray-sama

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Gray held the bag in his hands as he walked into Fairy Hills. He wanted to give Juvia her bag and leave. She seemed to left it yesterday-night in the guild. Gray found it when he left the guild himself. It was late at that time so he decided to return the bag early in the morning.

He walked up to her room and knocked on the door. He waited for a while before he knocked on the door again. Was she asleep? It's already eleven o'clock. Gray thought.

Still no answer. 'Juvia? I'm coming in', he yelled through the door before entering. Just in case he opened the door carefully. It was dark inside. 'Juvia?' he asked again.
His hand brushed the wall till he found a lightswitch. The lamps flickered and soon he could see more. But he didn't like what he saw.

Gray gasped in terror. He dropped the bag and started to scan the rooms in search of Juvia. He couldn't find the water mage. Did she already leave? He started to run towards the guild in hope to find her there.
With every street he passed he ran faster. What's wrong with her. I know she is sick. But this?
Soon he saw the walls surrounding Fairy Tail.

He slammed the doors open and was able to find Juvia within seconds. 'Juvia', he yelled before grabbing her wrist.

'Gray-sama', she yelped. 'Your bold today'. She started to blush.

'No time for your imagination', Gray pulled her out of her chair, just strong enough to get her up. 'I just was in your room!'

'What's the problem?' she asked, not knowing what the problem was.

'What do you think!?', Gray started to sound irritated. 'I want you to throw it all away'

'Aww, why?' Juvia pouted.

'Because it's sick, that's why', he started to drag Juvia outside.

'Oi Gray. What are you doing?' Erza yelled when she saw Gray dragging his stalker outside.

'We are going to clean up her room', he said as he was leaving. Juvia struggled as he started to push her gently but demanding to the exit.

'Why? I thought it was nice of her to keep those. It just reminded her of you', Erza said as he walked out.

'Juvia thinks so too', she chimmed in.

'That makes it even more sick', a big sweatdrop pearled on his forhead. 'We're leaving'

Juvia stopped strugling when they were further away from the guild. Gray grabbed her hand instead on pulling or pushing. Juvia didn't even have time to celebrate. Juvia doesn't want to throw everything away. She thought.
Before she knew it, they reached Fairy Hills.

Gray walked in and straight to her room. When he looked towards Juvia, she stared at him. Gray was able to tell a question was burning on her lips. 'Everything has to go, alright?' he said before opening the door.
'But Gray-sama th....'

'Everything Juvia...', he opened the door and turned on the lights. Once again the lights were flikkering. The sinister room could be seen. It revealed several weapons and even torture devices, clubs, swords... even a casket covered in spikes. Gray walked in handed her a nearby axe. 'Why would you want these?' he said as he scanned the floor for dangerous traps.

Juvia stared at the axe and started to snicker. 'But this isn't Juvia's room'.

Gray looked up and stared at her for a moment. 'It isn't?'

'This is nothing for Juvia', she let out a laugh before she laid the axe back on a table.

Gray sighed in relieve. 'Whose room is this?'

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