Back to the orphanage

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Juvia was walking to the trainstation of the the city she now called her home. She was wearing her newest dress and her hair was cut short. A fresh look for a fresh beginning. She was happy that they accepted her in the guild, the same guild her beloved was a member of. Even better, Gray even asked her if she wanted to join!

But at the moment she was too nervous to enjoy the moment. She was planning to go visit the orphanage she grew up as a child. She left that orphanage when she was young. The continuous falling of the rain always made it difficult to find friends. But she wanted to show everyone who helped her as a child that Juvia could walk under a clear sky now.

In her mind she was thinking how they would react when she arrived. She hasn't seen any of the guardians after she joined the dark guild. She was so deep in thought that she didn't even notice that Gray walked past her. He had to pull her arm for her to get her attention. '-via?' was the last part she heard.

'Ow hello Gray-sama', the bluenette smiled kindly.

'Where are you going?' he asked.

'Juvia will be back soon. She has to take care of something'.

'Something?' Gray crossed his arms.

'It's nothing. Juvia will be back tonight, maybe tomorrow'.

'Where are you going then?' Gray asked curious.

Juvia bit her lip. 'Nowhere special'. It was quite embarrassing to talk about her past. She knew they just met and although she loved him, she didn't want to tell him all her past just yet. 'Juvia has to leave now, otherwise the train is going to leave without her'. She grabbed her bag, waved at him and hurried to the trainstation once more.

When she finally sat down, the nerves started to strike again. She started to bite her nails and walked through the coupe. Some older lady must have noticed her worried expression because she even asked if the watermage needed some help. After politely rejecting the offer, Juvia sat down and waited till the train arrived at the town she once called home.

It wasn't far to the orphanage. She glanced at the sign that read the name. It was even more worn-out then before. But the building itself seemed to glow more then when she left. Maybe it's because this was the first time she saw the building without the rain. It ached to be back. She could clearly remember the insults they told her when she was younger. But the encouraging words of her guardians were even more vivid. If it wasn't for those words, she wouldn't have had the courage to walk up the stairs leading towards the frontdoor. Juvia counted till three and knocked on the door. She was able to her the laughing voices of several children. Following the sound, she knew they were sent upstairs by one of the guardians. That same guardian opened the door for Juvia.

Juvia just smiled, uncertain what she could say.

'Good morning', the guardian greeted her. Juvia had the feeling she had to know this woman, but it wasn't one of the guardians she grew up with. She was around her age.

'Good morning', Juvia bowed while curling her fingers around the fabric of her dress.

'Can I help you?' the guardian asked confused.

'Juvia came to visit her old home', she was able to say without stuttering.

'Juvia?' the guardian seemed to think. 'Sorry but you have to refresh my memory. I can't seem to remember your name'.

'Uhmmm', Juvia started. It would be the most easy to say one of her nicknames, but she didn't want to be called like that anymore.

'You know what? You should come in, it's cold outside', the guardian walked in front of Juvia, leading her to the kitchen she clearly remembers. When she had a bad day, one of the older guardians would offer her a cookie in secret. She had to stay quiet towards the other children, to make sure no one would get jealous.

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