Through enemies eyes

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'Albert', one of my fellow guild members called out to me. 'The master needs you in his office'. 

I stood up, not really feeling like a mission. The master only asked for member personally if there was a mission that needed to be finished ASAP. 'Fine', I mumbled. Not listening to the words of master were worst. 

Reaching the office I saw Ben and Chris. 'Finally the group is complete '. The master immediately came to business. 'I want you all to destroy some faeries who are stopping our guild. They are camping out in the forest north of Magnolia. You three have to defeat them. Capture or kill, I don't care. As long as you don't fail. Any questions?' 

'Do you have names of those flies?' 

'All we know for sure is a man named Gray. But there are signs of unison raid. So at least two people are roaming those woods'. 


It's been two days and we've been searching the woods. I was sure not to go back before that Gray guy was toast but I wanted to go back. Before the master called for me I wanted to rob a blond rich man who was said to travel alone. I missed my target. It pissed me off. 

Gray wasn't showing up and I had to fight Ben and Chris to get my meals. I heard the two punching each other over a piece of meat. As they fight over it, I decided to quietly take it and leave. I said I was going to take a wiz, not that they cared.

With the pieced of rabbit still between my teeth I came down a road. There was a woman standing there. Short blue hair hang carefully just above her shoulders. White gloves and a short dress made her seem classy. 

She jumped up when I stepped on a twig. Her hands folded in front of her chest. She sighed in relief. She probably thought I was an normal traveler. That thought made me chuckle. I stepped towards her. With a free hand I picked the meat from between my teeth. 

'What are you doing here alone?' 

'Juvia is just wandering' 

'Juvia huh?' I said as I walked one time around her to check out the goods. A good figure, that was for sure. 'Phantom Lord Juvia?'

'Not anymore. Juvia quit that guild a few months back', she stepped back preventing me from another look. 

'It was a guild of nothing anyway'. 

Juvia nodded but I continued. 'There are better ones you know'. Juvia, the rainwoman. She should make a fine addition to our guild. I wouldn't mind a companion like her during the long missions. During the camp outs. 

'Sorry but Juvia already joined a new guild'. 

'There are better ones you know', I repeated myself again. As I took a step forward. There were a few blackberry bushes behind her. Making it difficult for the woman to escape. 'You can join my guild'.

'So you're a wizard?' Juvia continued, trying to be polite to me. The tone in her voice told me to get lost. 

'Ow I can make you see magic', I flirted. My hand traveled to her hip. 

She shivered under my touch. 'Please don't touch Juvia', she slapped my hand away. 'She safes herself for someone special'.

'Ain't I special enough for you babe'. the words itself formed disgust on her face. My hands traveled back to those hips. I shifted the dress a little up. My eyes met the symbol of Fairy Tail just before she turned herself completely in water. Her figure was floating in the air. Somehow she spoke. 'Only Gray-sama may touch Juvia'. 

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