Christmas special

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'Juvia can't reach it', she was standing on the tip of her toes, leaning against the tree itself to reach its peak. In her left hand she held the Christmas star.

'You're almost there', Lucy was holding the ladder underneath.

'Juvia can't'

At that same time there was a loud complain in the back of the guild. Happy was calling out for the help of Lucy. 'LUCY!! It's Natsu!', he called out as he flapped with his wings to reach her as quickly as possible.

'What's wrong?', she sounded alarmed. The ladder trembled a little when she let go.

'Uhmm Lucy-chan?', Juvia tried to stand completely still but the ladder continued to move. 'A little help would be great', her voice trembled.

Happy, however, left no room for discussion. He grabbed Lucy, ignoring either of the girls loud complains and flew away towards the back.
He bumped against the ladder when flying away. Juvia grabbed on to the tree and gasped for breath. Nerves skyrocketed, she wasn't even able to yell towards Happy for being a dimwit.
The tree started to tumble a little and one of the baubles fell off and broke. That happened right before the tree fell towards the ground. Juvia let go and leaned back, hoping to land back on the ladder but there was nothing.

She yelled out during her short fall towards the ground. She was spared of the hard fall when she landed in a pair of soft arms. Her eyes were shut tight but she understood that someone had caught her. Let it be Gray-sama. Let it be Gray-sama. Let it be Gray-sama, she repeated mentally.

Black hair, the first thing she noticed. But that were all the similarities. Juvia pushed herself away from Gajeel. 'Gray-sama should catch Juvia', she moped when Gajeel huffed.

'Be happy I helped', he huffed another time and picked up the tree. 'Next time, you can fall'.

'Great!', she sounded truthfully happy with the idea falling on the hard, wooden floor. Gajeel looked at her once more with a funny look on his face. 'You're a strange woman'.

Juvia puffed her cheeks. 'But Gray-sama could nurse Juvia is she would get injured'.

'Strange woman', he repeated and walked away after that.

Juvia stayed behind to clean up the shards of the baubles and to redecorate the destroyed part of the tree. She was hanging the last bauble in the tree when she noticed another shard. Must have missed it when she cleaned the first time. She was about to pick it up when the doors of the guild opened. A gush of freezing cold blew inside and brought Gray with it. She cut her finger when she was distracted by her favorite person on the whole wide world. A thin stream of blood started to pour from the wound. Juvia whimpered softly in surprise and checked the wound. It may have been a little clumsy, but nothing serious. A simple plaster would solve the problem.

Gray suddenly appeared, crouching besides her. 'Let me see', he took her hand in his. His hands were soft. Juvia's breath faltered.

'What are you doing here, Gray-sama?', she asked. He was away these past days. He went to one quest after the other. She hadn't seen him much because of that. He took solo missions or sneaked away in the middle of the night.

'Need to talk to Master', he answered while his eyes were still resting on her finger. 'Doesn't look to serious', he said when convinced that it wasn't anything big. He cast a quick layer of ice to stop the bleeding and stood up.

He was about to walk away when Juvia clung around his waist. 'Wait! Juvia needs the help of Gray-sama to put in the Christmas peak'.

'Can't you ask someone else? I'm in a hurry'.

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