avatar crossover- cave of two lovers

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Crossover avatar (last airbender) <-> Fairy tail.
We have Gray and Juvia entering the cave of two lovers.
Even if you don't know avatar; it's easy to understand.

For those who don't know avatar: shame on you.
It's about a world where people can bend water, earth, fire or wind. (Or non)
There is only 1 person who can bend every element.
He and his friends have to fight the fire lord to end a war that is ongoing for 100 years.

At one point they have to cross a maze within a cave. That's where we begin.

In this crossover we have the world of Avatar with the characters of Fairy Tail.


Gray turned to look at Happy. 'Are you sure you can't fly us over the mountain?' he asked.

'They keep shooting at me. It's impossible for me to carry someone and avoid them. Sorry'.

'It's not your fault. I guess we've got no choice but to go through that maze'.

'Are you sure Gray', Erza walked up to him. 'You know what those people said. There is a chance we won't be able to get out'.

'What do you suggest we should do then?'

'I don't mind fighting the army of Firelord Zancrow'.

'Don't forget that prince Natsu is still chasing us'.

'Aren't you usually happy to fight Natsu?'

'Wendy is wounded. We should try to avoid them'.

'Wasn't she recovering?', Erza lowered her voice and watched as Wendy rested against a tree. The young girl was catching her breath. Gray didn't have to answer, Erza knew herself; 'I see... let's go through the maze then'.

The team consisting of Erza, Gray, Wendy and the two exceeds entered the cave. Erza supported Wendy. 'We will be out of here soon. You can rest as much as you need to when we reach Omachu'.

'Thank you Erza-san', the girl smiled.

It was dark inside. They lit two torches and made extra. Unsure how they had to exit the place they had to make sure to have enough provision. 'Let's make a map', Erza said.

Gray nodded and grabbed paper and pencil. As they followed the unknown paths, he drew.
They took the paths straight forward till they reached a point where they had to choose. 'Left or right?' Gray asked.

'Right', Wendy said. 'The air is cleaner on the right. Could be the exit'.

Under the dim light of the torches Gray could see that she grew paler. 'Do you need some rest?'

'I'm fine', Wendy tried to stand straight and took the right path. Erza shared a worried look with Gray but followed anyways.

This path didn't go straight. It wriggled. There was no path to the left nor right as they continued. The first torch was almost out when Wendy suddenly stopped.

'Are you not feeling well?' Erza asked.

'That's not it. The smell of the fresh air is gone. This isn't right. We should walk back'.

'If you say so', Gray trusted the little girl and turned around. The other two followed. At one point they reached a second road on their right. 'Strange', Erza mumbled. 'We didn't pass this the first time. Did we?'

'I didn't see it', Happy said.

'It's not on the map', Gray said. He walked a little inside. It was smaller then the main path. 'I will take a look. Wait here'. He had to bend a little to get inside. The walls were damp, the ground was slippery. The torch protested as he made his way through. It was a narrow path. It would make sense if the exit was this way. Not many made it out the cave of two lovers. Maybe not many found this path.

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