happy rain

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'What do you mean why?' Gray asked flustered. 'Isn't it enough that I say I love you?'

'YES, uhmm NO anooo...', she couldn't find her words. 'Juvia is just confused', the watermage admitted. She was sitting against a tree nervously pulling out grass from the ground. Gray was towering above her. 'She didn't expect Gray-sama to confess'.

'You don't want me to?' he raised his eyebrows.

They were currently traveling through the woods to get to a mission. After making a fire Gray decided to just say it. Don't make it complicated, he thought. Just say it. And with that he turned around and blurted out.

'NO', Juvia panicked a little', Juvia is very very happy. But she can't help to wonder why. She thought Gray-sama didn't liked her spontaneous self'. She looked at the ground again and plucked a dandelion. 'She saw how Gray-sama didn't like that, especially during the Grand Magic Games'.

Gray sighed and sat down next her. 'Can you blame me? You just yelled out for everyone to hear'. He placed his hands behind his head and rested against the tree. 'Usually the guy asks a woman out first'.

'Then Gray-sama is too late', she simply stated.

'As if you gave me a chance', he threw back at her and with that they both started to snicker.

'Gray-sama could be the first t- ---' the sentence ended with a whisper.


Juvia looked at the fire, the grass that had fallen victim to her hands and then the clear sky. After realizing that looking away didn't help she faced Gray. She loved this man.

The feeling she had when she felt love at first sight was nothing compared what she felt now. Her love had grown even more when she got to know him. His good sides and his bad ones. His daily life and his past. She just wanted to be with him in the future.

'Gray-sama', the way she spoke his name. The fluttering became worse every time she did that to him. Just saying his name. Why was it that she was the only one to make him this crazy?
He stiffened a little when Juvia placed her hand softly on his cheek. Her fingers traced his jawline.

'Juvia loves you too'.

Gray sighed in relieve and rested against the tree again. 'I thought you were going to reject me for a moment', he nervously laughed.

'Why would Juvia do that? Gray-sama is perfect'.

'Why? Why would you think that? I hurt a lot of people'.

'Indirect. Gray-sama never meant that to happen. But still you care about all those people and Juvia thinks that makes you a wonderful man. When things became difficult for Juvia she joined a dark guild. But Gray-sama became stronger to protect the ones he hurt. Juvia can't compare with that. So she is very happy that Gray-sama confessed'.

'I think that's amazing about you'.

'What is?' Juvia tried to look him in the eyes while sitting but that was proven quite difficult when both resting against the tree.

'Well', he scratched the back of his head. 'You don't just try to forget your past... You live with it and make that the reason to always smile. I admire that about you'.

He awaited her response but all that he saw was the suddenly darker sky. It took the rainwoman 17 seconds to make the clear sky clouded. Another second and the first raindrop fell on a leaf on the tree.

'What's wrong Juvia?' Gray leaned towards her to look at her but she covered her eyes. He saw a small stream of tears escaping under her hands but she quickly wiped them away.

'What's wrong?' he asked again while alarmed. 'Was it something I said?'

She shook her head. 'Sorry'

'Please tell me', he grabbed one of her wrists and forced her to look at him. He scooted a little closer when she removed her other hand with her own. Standing on three legs wasn't most comfortable position.

'Sorry, Juvia didn't meant to make it rain again'.

'Is it something I said?' he asked again. 'Didn't you want me to confess?'

'NO! this doesn't count', Juvia wiped the tears away for a second time. 'These are happy tears, they don't count'. Juvia smiled.

'And the rain?'

The rainwoman nodded. 'Happy'.

Gray looked up at the sky. The rain felt soft to the skin. It wasn't cold (or he didn't notice). The droplets spatted on the leaves creating almost a mist on rain around them. The sun that broke through the clouds made the mist sparkle, creating a breathtaking moment.

Even the pitter-patter was music to the ears.

When the icemage looked back at Juvia, he saw her with her arms spread and her eyes closed, enjoying the rain.

One corner of his mouth quirked up. 'You just keep surprising me'.

Juvia opened her eyes and lowered her arms. The first thing she saw were Grays dark eyes. Behind him was the golden mist surrounding him. She traced his smile with the tip of her finger, sending a shiver down his spine. She noticed him looking at her lips and in return she wanted his as well.

It was Juvia who bend forward to get their first kiss. This was a long and tender kiss. One that made you unaware of your surrounding. One that made it feel like your floating. One where it's only you and him.

Their lips parted but it took a while for Juvia to open her eyes. Just to enjoy the feeling a little longer. She even enjoyed his slightly chapped lips. Everything is perfect about Gray-sama, she thought.

Gray immediately craved for a second kiss but stopped when he saw her dreamy face. So instead of a sweet taste, he admired her.

When she opened her eyes she seemed to realize something.

'Juvia shouldn't have done that', she fidgeted.

'I don't mind', Gray smirked again as he combed his wet hair backwards.

'But now Juvia was the first to confess and to kiss Gray-sama! Please punish Juvia!'

'Try not to turn into Virgo', he said as he moved closer. He smirked before he wrapped an arm around her back and pulled her closer, their lips only inches apart. 'Besides, their are still things I can be first in'. Those words were a soft breeze on her lips. His eyes locked on her. His body warm against her and that husky voice: it was too much.

Gray moved a little closer to kiss her again but she nearly fainted. Her body turned into water, forming a puddle in front of Gray's knees.


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