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"Pst. Mom~"

"Mommy, wake up~"

I keep hearing these whispers and find myself in my room inside this house, which is just beside Rei's room. He's beside me and is leaning on my chest. He moved when I opened my eyes and stretched my arms before stroking his hair.

"Good Morning, Mommy!"

"Good morning, Rei." I get off the bed and take our towels for a bath before going downstairs.

We got our breakfast without Wakasa. He's probably at work or with his gang. Wakasa explained why their house has so many bodyguards and why they look like that, assuring me that they are all good because he chose them for his son before ordering them to treat me right, mostly in front of Reiko. With his assurance, I feel more at ease. I feel like I can trust them too, maybe we can even be friends.

"Mom, are you not scared of them?" Rei asked when I finished feeding him. "They are the bad guys."

"They're not bad, Rei." I give him his water before wiping his mouth. "They just look like that."

"I saw them hurt someone before."

"They are just doing their job, like cops who protect innocent people."

"These guys are cops?"

"Something like that."

I smiled to see how amazed and innocent his expression was. He's only 3 years old, yet he's observant and talkative in his cute way.


"What the F is this?"

"Is there anything wrong?" The one who was looking after him before, Koshi, asked me when we entered Rei's room to play and kill time for the whole day.

"You guys give a three-year-old kid a toy gun?" I look at the different toy guns in his play space and pick up the pellet gun with small bullets on it. "This is dangerous for him. Get me a box."

Koshi gets me what I need and starts to put the toy guns, fake knives, long swords, and anything that has sharp edges on it on which he might swallow before giving it back to him and taking it out of his room.

"Rei, do you want to do something fun?" He nods and I get my bond papers and colouring materials inside my room and give them to him. "You know how to draw?"

"What's a draw, Mommy?"

"It's like this, " I show him how to do it and draw a red flower on my bond paper." "You can draw animals and yourself too."

𝑻𝒐 𝑩𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅'𝒔 𝑴𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒚 ♕ 𝑰. 𝑾𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒂Where stories live. Discover now