★······★······𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑰𝑽

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"So," he started when we got into his office. "I received a call from Koshi, but it turned out to be Rei."


"He said that you keep looking for me these past few days every time I'm not around."

That kid is sure talkative. I should lessen his treats.

"Is there something you want to say?" I nod and take this chance to tell him about the party for the next 2 days. It's on Saturday. "A party? Whom will you go with?"

"Classmates and schoolmates, it'll be held around seven p.m. to eleven-"

"No." He suddenly cut me off.

"Wait- no? Why?!"

"Did you forget about your job?" Wakasa brings out the contract we sign, pointing out the part that says I can only attend school activities if it's graded. "You're not going."

"But it will be the first party I will attend." I even brought an outfit already.

"Parties like that never bring anything good afterward." He put the contract back in its place and left his seat. "Good schoolgirls never go to parties."


I watched as Wakasa left me in his office, and after he closed the door, I started throwing punches in the air and throws tantrum, but stopped and pretended nothing happened when he opened it again and told me to change my clothes and give Koshi a break for babysitting Rei the whole day.

He has no fun!


"Mommy, you look sad..." Rei touched my cheeks, which snapped me out. "Why are you sad?"

"I'm not sad." I faked a smile and finished feeding him before taking him to his room to sleep.

"I'll take him there." Wakasa reached for Rei, but I took him away, ignoring his call.

When we reached Rei's room, I locked the door and did his night routine, ignoring all the knocks that were coming from the door and the calls on my phone. They said the one Rei needed the most now is me, so I'll take good care of him by myself.

The last 2 days, I kept doing that, not letting him touch or get near Rei. I even took all my pillows to his bedroom and slept with him. Rei noticed it but never asked any questions or looked for his dad.



I ignored the knocks and continued playing with Rei, not until it called for my name. It was one of the bodyguards. I opened it and checked around to see if they were doing this to take Rei away because I never let them touch him either, I trust them but they might go behind my back because Wakasa is still their boss and Wakasa is not my boss, I don't work for him but for Reiko.

𝑻𝒐 𝑩𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅'𝒔 𝑴𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒚 ♕ 𝑰. 𝑾𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒂Where stories live. Discover now