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Arnav entered his house after a long day of shoot. He had such a busy schedule this month. His new movie required a lot of stunts because its backdrop was of the Independence War, and since he was a perfectionist, he did retakes until he knew he nailed it.

But these retakes did take a lot out of him physically. He never complained, however, since he enjoyed every moment of it. It was an understatement to say he enjoyed his job...he freaking LOVED it. Sure, modeling was fun, but he never really got to try different things when he was a model. He was only a handsome face when he was a model. As an actor, he got to experiment and show his fans different layers of him.

He entered the kitchen and found another object of his affection; his wife, Payal Raizada, sitting on the dining table with her head resting on her folded arms, soundly asleep.

Arnav felt all his exhaustion wash away and a loving smile adorn his face. His wife of 7 months and his girlfriend of 2 years before that, Payal managed to steal the infamous playboy's heart with her warm brown eyes and an even warmer heart. Though Arnav still had his fun-loving ways, everyone who knew him also knew that his heart belonged to his wife.

He tried to be as quiet as possible, lifting up his sleeping wife bridal style, and made his way to their bedroom.

Payal stirred awake when Arnav placed her on their bed.

"Arnav...?" she murmured, sleep still clouding her senses.

"Sshhhh...go back to sleep" Arnav said gently.

"How was your day?" Payal asked, being the good wife that she was.

"It was great...but I thought I told you to not wait for me? You need to rest in your condition." Arnav replied, as he quickly changed into his pajamas and got on his side of the bed.

"Sorry...can't help it..." Payal softly replied and snuggled into Arnav's chest.

Arnav kissed her forehead and placed a hand on her bulging stomach. "I know baby...but please, you have to take better care of yourself and our daughter" Arnav said, his voice laced with concern.

"I have nothing to worry about as long as I have you..." Payal murmured, before drifting off to sleep once again in Arnav's arms. Arnav smile at her words. He placed another kiss on her forehead and lovingly rubbed her stomach, "Good night my babies..." he whispered, referring to his wife and unborn child, and finally drifted off to sleep himself.


Arnav downed his drink and asked the bartender to close his tab. His heart hurt...there was not a hint of the old Arnav in this man. Arnav always laughed and he made others laugh, he was so full of energy...always the life of the party...dancing till the end of the night. His eyes glinted with mischievousness and his charming behavior was known nationwide.

But this man sitting on the bar stool tonight didn't have a hint of happiness Arnav was known for. He was hallow. Only a shell of the man that was. There was only despair...a man completely heartbroken.

Arnav paid the bartender and made his way to the exit, deciding to finally head home. Though he wanted to avoid it, he knew he had to get back because he had an early shoot tomorrow.


Arnav entered his dark house to the sound of soft humming. For a minute his heart sped's the same song Payal hummed to their baby when she was pregnant.

~Abhi naa jao chor dil abhi bhara nahin...~

As he followed the voice to the nursery...he prayed with all his heart that it was Payal singing.

~Abhi abhi toh aayi ho...bahaar banke chayi ho...~

He wanted all this to be a bad dream and he wanted Payal to be back in his arms, as they both held their baby girl, Ahaana, and rocked her to sleep.

Payal and he chose that name meant dawn...the start of a new day and the promise of a new beginning.

~Abhi naa jao chor kar...~

But of course, it wasn't Payal was his second wife, Khushi. He peaked into the nursery from the slightly ajar door, watching Khushi hum the all too familiar tune to his baby girl. He then felt the all consuming twinge of pain in his chest as he slowly backed away and made his way to his bedroom. Of course it wouldn't be Payal...Payal was dead...and the dead don't come matter how much you pray for them to.

There was no new beginning in his life anymore.

~Ke dil abhi bhaara nahin...~


I take no credit for the song "Abhi Naa Jao Chor Kar". All credit goes to respective creatives.

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