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I wanted to take this time to THANK EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! Thank you so much for reading this story. It truly means a lot when hard work is appreciated. I put a lot of thought and time into writing my stories, so thank you so much for reading this.

Also, I take plagiarism very seriously as I was victim of it before. I put in every effort to give credit when other's work inspires me. So please, if any of my work inspires you...please don't forget to give credit. Thank you!

Now on to the epilogue!


*4 years later*

"Akansha...I should be receiving a material shipment today. Make sure it has the chiffon I requested." Khushi spoke into the phone as she typed away in her computer. Khushi was in AMORE right now working away in her office. The launch of the winter line was just around the corner and Khushi wanted to make sure her every design only topped what she has created in the past.

Khushi furiously typed at her computer when a knock on her office door caught her attention. Khushi looked up to see Arnav smiling at her. Khushi's own smile bloomed as her husband of 5 years walked into her office. He only got more handsome with time, Khushi thought, as she watched Arnav come closer. He recently finished shooting another movie and was now taking some time off before signing his next project. Khushi saved her work and turned off her computer.

"Ready to go home?" Arnav asked as he came in and stood in front of Khushi's desk.

Khushi nodded and stood up from her chair, walking around her desk to meet Arnav. As Arnav reached out to pull Khushi to him for a kiss, a small ball of energy beat him to it.

"HI MAMA!" a little girl ran into the room and went straight to Khushi. Khushi laughed and caught Ahaana right in time. Khushi picked Ahaana up and placed her on her lap, giving her a loud kiss on the cheek.

"Hi baby! Did you have a fun day with papa?" Khushi asked Ahaana as she wrapped her arms around her mother's neck. Ahaana was 5 years old now and a handful to say the least. Khushi lovingly gazed at her daughter...and what a sight she was. Ahaana had Payal's big brown eyes and Arnav's lips...and she was the most beautiful daughter in Khushi's eyes.

Ahaana nodded excitedly and replied, "YES! We played with dolls...then papa gave me a bath...then he gave me noodles...then he gave me cookies..." she happily chatted away.

"Is that so...Papa gave you cookies...?" Khushi repeated slowly and turned to Arnav, who was looking at her sheepishly. He cleared his throat, "She means veggies...I gave her veggies..." Arnav tried to salvage the situation as his wife gave him a disapproving look. Khushi gave him a 'I'll deal with you later' look and turned back to Ahaana.

Completely oblivious to the trouble she just placed her father in, Ahaana leaned over to her mother and whispered, "Mama...can I...?" Ahaana asked, her eyes sparkling with innocence and joy.

It was a thing Khushi and Ahaana did. Khushi then leaned over and whispered back, "You can." Khushi then put Ahaana down on her feet and Ahaana went up to her tip toes...and placed a kiss over Khushi's bulging and heavily pregnant stomach.

Khushi was 6 months pregnant and carrying a boy. That's right...they were pregnant. Up until last year, Khushi was set on not having children of her own and that didn't change even after she came back to Arnav that fateful rainy night. Arnav accepted Khushi's decision and never pushed her.

However, one day...at the dinner table, Ahaana spoke about a school friend having a baby brother. She then innocently said, "It would be nice to have a brother to play with...or a sister..." Ahaana then continued to eat her food, not seeing the look that passed between her parents.

Zaroorat - Arshi FFWhere stories live. Discover now