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Hello Readers! I received multiple requests to translate the hindi dialogues. The translations have now been added to the comments next to the hindi dialogues in previous chapters. If you click on the little number that comes up next to the line, a bar opens and the translation will be listed there. I didn't want to add the english lines in the actual story because that ruins the flow of the writing and the scenes.

I didn't realize I had so many non hindi speaking readers, so I do apologize. I have translated all the chapters for this story until now and will continue to add the translations for future chapters in the comment section. Now on to the next chapter!


Khushi rushed to the hospital. All Khushi remembered was running out of her office and calling Devyani to stay longer with Ahaana . Khushi even didn't even bother telling Yash what happened. Khushi felt panic the moment she heard Arnav has gotten into an accident. The person on the other end of the line said that Khushi's number was the first number on Arnav's speed dial, and that he was being taken to a hospital nearby.

Khushi half hazardly pulled into the parking lot and rushed inside. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she approached the front desk. "Hello...Arnav Singh Raizada's room please." Khushi asked the receptionist, something in her chest tightening around her heart as she feared the worst. She almost couldn't breathe from the pressure. The receptionist didn't bother looking up at Khushi.

"No one is allowed to meet Mr. Raizada Ma'am. Fans are definitely not allowed." The receptionist said, a little rudely.

Khushi slammed her hand on the counter, making the receptionist jump in her seat and look up at a fuming Khushi. "I am his wife! I want his room number now!" Khushi demanded, her eyes flaring with temper at the audacity of this girl.

The girl's eyes widened seeing Khushi Gupta...Raizada...Khushi Raizada standing in front of her. "I..I'm sorry ma'am." The girl stammered. She furiously typed into her computer and then looked back at a fuming Khushi, "Room #1709". She said. Khushi didn't bother thanking the girl and walked away.

'The nerve of that girl.' Khushi thought, stomping through the halls. "Telling me I can't see my own husband." Khushi muttered under her breath...and then caught herself, her eyes widening at what she just said. 'Her husband...' Since when did Khushi become so possessive over Arnav? Those words just rolled off her effortlessly...that Khushi didn't even realize it.

When Khushi entered room #1709, she saw Arnav on the bed and a doctor place a bandage on Arnav's forehead. The hand around Khushi's heart loosened its grip as relief spread through her. He was ok...he was ok.

Arnav was the first to see Khushi. "Khushi?" Arnav asked, causing Khushi to come out of her trance and cautiously enter the room.

The doctor turned and gave Khushi a kind smile. "Not to worry Mrs. Raizada, it's only a slight scratch." The Doctor said. It was then that Khushi notice the blood seeping through the bandage on Arnav's forehead, the only indication that he had an accident.

Khushi frowned as concerned filled her and she took a step towards Arnav. "Aap ne toh humari jaan le li Arnav...yeh kaise hua?" Khushi asked, so concerned at seeing him injured that Khushi didn't realize the words she blurted out. Arnav blinked a little at Khushi's words. It was the first time Khushi openly voiced her concern for Arnav...and it warmed his heart hearing it.

"Nothing...the other driver ran the red light and bumped into my car." He answered as casually as possible since they were not alone in the room. Arnav then stood up to grab his jacket. "I'm sorry you had to come all this way...This really wasn't that serious." Arnav said to Khushi.

Zaroorat - Arshi FFWhere stories live. Discover now